Who's had a traumatic birth experience?

My birth wasn't bad (better than what i expected tbh), but my pregnancy wasn't something i wouldn't want to be the same. Don't get me wrong, Most of the time i LOVED being pg - but there was so much hassle with daily hospital trips etc, its the main reason ive decided to wait for number two. If i had gone with my original plan, we would have started ttc number 2 when alice was just a few month old, but i want to enjoy my time with her, before i risk having to go through all that again.

I don't completely agree with the whole 'you forget it straight after' line, but i would def do it again!!!!

Another back to back baby here and to be honest i don't know what you class as a traumatic birth experience but i went through a hell of a lot with mine, problems with baby and myself and had alot of intervention with doctors to the point they thought my kidneys were failing!

I also had a ventouse delivery and tore badly - they are slowly healing as they decided to come apart 4 days after - OUCH!!

But i can safely say i have forgotten all the pain and birth because my end result is so beautiful and healthy.

As for doing it again? Yes i would mainly because i don't want an only child but once lo is born you cant believe it - i just hope that the birth is better......

Good luck xx
Squiglet's is a very wise post. Each person has their own opinion of what constitutes 'traumatic.'

The birth of my baby was extremely difficult, with the head of the surgical department eventually being rushed in from home to oversee the situation. I was sent to the high dependency unit and my baby to special care unit. Many of the things I wanted from the birth of my baby did not happen - I did not get to hold her for 2 days, due to my condition, and I am particularly sad that I did not get the chance to sit there with just my baby and my husband as a new family straight away. That did not happen till 4 days later, but when it did happen it was magical.

Was the birth of my baby traumatic? It was certainly an epic. I found it difficult, and my husband was rather upset at the time. But are we traumatised? No. We were well informed before the birth, and although I was fit and healthy right up until the minute they started the surgery and had been anticiapating a normal birth, I had made sure I new what all the possible outcomes were, and was the consequences of them were. As a result I am now a very happy mum well on her way to recovery with a beautiful 7 week old baby. My husband and I have already talked about having a brother or sister for her, but our previous experience means we will do things a little differently, having learnt from the last one.

Don't worry yourself over other people's 'traumas.' Look forward to the birth of your baby and deal with whatever it brings as it comes.
my labour was quite hard, he was lying back to back and was agony!!! they had to get him out with ventouse in the end cos his heart rate had dropped so literally had to drag him out and i tore really bad! if you had asked me after when the next one was i would have said never! but now im back to normal and have my beautiful boy i would go through it 1000 times again for him!
86hrs from waters breaking to Isaac being born, but three quarters of it was lovely, it was after admitting myself to hospital things began to go 'wrong' as intervention I hadn't wanted started to begin, being induced, epidural, episiotimy, paralyzed from spinal, staying in hospital a week after Isaac's birth, him being incubated.. I NEVER had a fear of labour and birth, I still don't, it was MY experience and never to be repeated. Birth is natural, just mother nature is unpredictable so be open minded and relaxed I say :)
We always wanted more than just Isaac, but immediately afterwards we didn't talk about it, now we hope to be blessed again. I now look back on the experience and know we had our hypnobirth, we made some tough decisions in emotive situations but stayed together and excited about meeting our son.. cannot wait to do it all again, no matter how it pans out :D
I think it was the most traumatic thing i have ever done and i vowed that i wouldnt do it again. But i will do one more time so my little one can have a brother or sister. But next time i will insist on an epidural.
I had a very bad experience on my daughter and was subsequently traumatised and suffered Post Traumatic Stess Disorder and flashbacks for over 2 years after the birth. I was diagnosed with Secondary Tocophobia which is the recognised phobia of childbirth resulting from a traumatic birthing experience. I went through councelling when I found out I was pregnant with Rowan and thankfully went on to have a better experience this time round although he was still back to back :roll:
I didn't have a traumatic birth experience (3 hour labour and 5 min of pushing :D ) but what I didn't expect was to have a weird feeling of anti-climax afterwards. By the time they moved me to postnatal ward it was 11pm and OH had to go home and I was left there completely knackered with this new baby thinking 'err, what do I do with this??' :rotfl: The pain was quite bad but can't really remember it now though! I would have another but not for a few years.
Rowan's mummy (sorry I forgot your name hun) :oops: I had a very bad experience too, I was diagnosed with PND and a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder too. I have flashbacks and panic attacks every day it's horrible :( i'm going to have some counselling and i've been nagging the hospital for 10 months for me to go through my notes with me :roll: going to keep on until they give me an appointment to go up there. These feelings won't go away. Lennon was back to back, I was induced. In slow labour for a month, went 11 days overdue and in the end had to be a Section. Takes the pee really after you've done the pushing stage :roll: I was wondering if it would be ok to talk to you about my experience xxxxx
Hi Momnat its 'Rowan's mummy' AKA Stace :wink:

Of course you can talk to me hun any time and hopefully I might be able to help you a little.

I'll send you my email addy via PM xxx
elaine22 said:
I didn't have a traumatic birth experience (3 hour labour and 5 min of pushing :D ) but what I didn't expect was to have a weird feeling of anti-climax afterwards. By the time they moved me to postnatal ward it was 11pm and OH had to go home and I was left there completely knackered with this new baby thinking 'err, what do I do with this??' :rotfl: The pain was quite bad but can't really remember it now though! I would have another but not for a few years.

I know what you mean about anti-climax. I had an epidural and after the mw's finished stiching me etc and taking my epidutal tubes etc out I was just left in the bed, still covered in blood with just the sheet over me. I was left in the room with Jake for about 4 hours but he was wrapped up in the baby heater (dont know what its called) about 2 meters away, but I couldnt even see him properly- all i wanted to do was hold him and try and feed him. Because of the drugs I was in and out of sleep but I am still quite angry that I was left for so long. OH went home to get some sleep and phone ppl :(
Natalie - yeah I found that once I'd given birth then the midwives just kinda left me to it. I guess they were busy with other women giving birth and stuff but I felt a bit like I was a nuisance - one midwife seemed a bit put out that i'd buzzed for help after my drip came out and I bled all over the sheet, and that I wanted to be pushed to the postnatal ward (on the floor below) in a chair rather than walk.

It wasn't traumatic or anything, I just found it a bit disappointing because the midwives who delivered my baby were fantastic, it was just the ones who were on shift after them who just didn't seem to care too much.

Still wouldnt put me off another though :D

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