home birth?

Hi girls
I saw my midwife this morning, and i have booked my home birth :cheer:
She said that i have from 37 weeks to 42 weeks to be able to have it at home, which is good! She has also booked me in for a scan on the 2nd jan to check the babys in the correct place, it is at the moment, but just to be on the save side!
I feel really happy, and know ive made the right decision as it feels right.
I just hope i can have it at home, but if it doesnt work that way then it just wasnt meant to be.
I just wanted to thank all those who replied to my post, and gave me some really good advice :hug:
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
x x x
:cheer: merry christmas to you too and all the best for your home birth!
I had a planned home birth, and this was my first.

I laboured 6 hours at home which was great and was so relaxed :D

Tho I did get transfered to hospital because my BP was very high and the midwifes were concerned, I am glad I did go in the end because I had to have some help in delivering her.

Definatly go for it tho! even tho I didnt get to do it all at home I still had an experience of it, I have been told I can't have a homebirth for the next ( if I have one that is lol ) because of the complications with Olivia, so definatly concider doing it hun! its just so special :D
I had a homebirth on Friday! And would recommend it to anyone!
Woke up at 1.10am with very strong contractions...went downstairs and got sitting room ready (rolled up rugs, put down plastic sheets etc) and bounced on my birth bll for a while! rang m/w at 2.30am as contractions were every 4 mins. She arrived at 3.00 and was ready to push by 4am!
It was soooo easy and baby Alexander was born at 4.22!Weighing 6lb 15oz! I needed stitched but m/w did them! Didn't even need gas and air (well one puff) as it made me feel sick!
But it was a lovely experience and would absolutely recommend it! So relaxing, esp afterwards as could just sit and gaze lovingly at baby - was also able to wake dd1 (aged 10) at 5am and introduce her to her brother!

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