whos due in aug?

I'm due 6th August and I also have very bad morning sickness.
This is my first and I'm very excited :)
im excited but stressing lol im tryin to plan a move to a different area and im stressing bout schools, dr's, midwifes etc, n im worried somethings gonna go wrong between now and 12wks :( x

Oh sweetie don't be stressing out thats the last thing you want to do, just take one day with regards moving one step at a time. Don't worry about doctors or midwives until you hvae moved into the new area then look at all the possibilities. Is there anyone that can help you with things?

With my first I moved about 6 weeks before my due date to a totally different area about 100 miles away so I know what its like x

Im calming down abit now just viewed a flat and i got all stressed as other people want it so iv decided that iv got to calm down and if someone else gets it iv got 6months to find another place. iv got a viewing of another place tomorrow which i really like the look of and at least tomorrow ill have money so i can be 1st to put a deposit on it and i wont stress lol! iv always been stressy but its got worse now im pregnant just want everything right and dnt wnt to push my daughter away or put her in a school and her not like it! Hate moving haha! Ill have help once im ready to move so i wont be lifting anything ill have all that done for me :) x

Glad someone started this thread - will be nice to keep in touch with you all over the coming months! I'm due on the 1st August, although this is my own calculation. I have my scan next weds - can't wait. I haven't had many symptoms and they seem to have disappeared the last couple of days - want someone to tell me I'm not imagining all this! This is my first baby and I'm very excited, although things are complicated for me too as I'm moving to the west country from Southampton at Easter. OH starts his new job down there on 1st Feb so is going to be weird for a bit.

One question I've been wanting to ask other ladies due in August - does it worry you that your child is always going to be the youngest amongst their peers? We were going to start trying after Christmas as my husband is an august boy and he said he hated it. I'm not too bothered - just feel very lucky for it to have happened so easily!!:dance:
My birthday is 30th July and it never bothered me being one of the youngest. I loved that I never had to go to school on my birthday and its a great time of year for garden parties!! The only time it bothered me was when I was the last of my friends to turn 18 and couldnt get into nightclubs!!
I was born at the end of July so I had the same problem but it didnt really bother me apart from I never really got to celebrate my birthday whilst in school, with school friends ect only with people outside.
But regarding schooling and making friends I didnt have a problem. So not really worried about my LO, plus where I was having problems ttc I couldn't really plan/work out when to concieve.
I'm just happy I was able to. :) :dance:
hi, I'm due on the 23rd! this will be my first so nervous and excited at the same time. got my first appointment with the midwife on Monday. nice to see so many of us due around the same time...x
I know there'll be a population boom in August!!! hehe!

has everyone signed up on the thread of 2010 due dates? there are so many more in august than any other month, strange isnt it!
I'm due in the middle of August, not sure about the exact date yet though :)
Theres so many people due in aug its great =D lots of people to share our experiance with!! xx
Hi all!
I am due around the 8th Aug but will know for sure next week at the scan. We have recently moved to Malta and I am totally dreading being heavily pregnant during the hottest months- bad timing on our part!:roll:!
there will be lots of hot, bothered, heavily pregnant women waddling around this summer! Malta though, you're brave! You're lucky too though, it's a lovely place!
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Imagine giving birth on a hot summers day :( im not looking forward to it as much now in the heat because it will be hot this time of year for us so glad im not moving abroad i might not be able to hack it lol xx
air con will be our friends :) That and ice. Lots of ice!!
Imagine giving birth on a hot summers day :( im not looking forward to it as much now in the heat because it will be hot this time of year for us so glad im not moving abroad i might not be able to hack it lol xx

magicool spray are gonna have a peak in sales this summer!!:lol:
Inky, I'm thinking more stupid than brave at the moment!! I had my little boy at the end of June 2007 in the Uk and althought it wasn't much of a summer-it was bad enough!! I think that air con may very well become my best friend and I may be having this one in the sea!!!!
Hope everyones ok!! I had my booking in appt today and if u read my thread in 1st trimester youll see it didnt go well so now im stressed trying to get myself into another hospital! Have had no hep from midwifes. at this rate ill get my home birth but ill hav to deliver myself lol x
I started my last pregnancy in the Australian summer, I will never forget Boxing Day 2007 - 46 degrees - utterly ridiculous, morning sickness and that sort of climate almost sent me round the bend!
Inky, I'm thinking more stupid than brave at the moment!! I had my little boy at the end of June 2007 in the Uk and althought it wasn't much of a summer-it was bad enough!! I think that air con may very well become my best friend and I may be having this one in the sea!!!!

brings a whole new meaning to having a water birth lol!

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