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hi girls :)

i'm mum to Boo who is 2 and a half nearly - he's a complete superstar and very easy to care for plus still has a 2 hour nap in the day so i'm spoiled rotten!! DH is also off sick with a slipped disc so there's an extra pair of hands around when i need to nap or feel ill...

i'm really enjoying pregnancy this time round (apart from the sickness) as with Boo i didn't at all, i was a nervous wreck as we had to make the excrutiatingly difficult decision to have an MTOP at 14 weeks - it was only 4 months before we conceived Boo and i was convinced he wasnt going to make it either - i never bonded with my bump and spent the whole 9 months stressed as anything...

this time round i am really chilled (apart from having spotting at 8 weeks but i'm sure that was breakthrough bleeding now) and managing to stay calm in between the stressful bits - i have my first scan with the consultant who found the first baby's birth defect so on one hand i know i can trust him and he's a really really lovely man but on the other its going to bring it all back so a part of me is terrified too...

i had Boo when we lived in cornwall and i'm surprised at how badly organised antenatal care is up here in yorkshire - its been a bit of a shick but as we're planning a home birth hopefully it shouldn't be too bad and i'll be able to do it on my own terms...

i also found Boo's birth the single most empowering experience of my whole life and i can't wait to do it again!!
I think that this time round i have been a lot more worried about the baby, before my scan i was worried something would be wrong (thankfully all looks well), I am really tired this time round, i get really stressed out too and i always seem to either wake up with a stitch pain on my left side or a headache! Plus i have SPD which has started very early!

I also feel like the anti natal care for use women having our 2nd/3rd/4th + babies isn't very good. I feel like i am not reassured enough because i am expected to be a dab hand at it all now! Very few appointments for us ladies!

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