Bit worried - can't feel baby yet?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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I'm a little bit worried because so far, I cannot feel any movements yet at all. Will be 15 weeks tomorrow, and this is my 3rd baby. From what I've read on here, quite a few of you who are due around the same time as me have been feeling some twinges already, even those who are having their first baby. Shouldn't I be feeling something yet? Can't remember how it was with my second, only that I could feel him earlier than my first, but not when exactly. Any other second or third (or more) time moms out there who didn't feel their baby move at 15 weeks and where everything turned out ok? :-?
Just to add, I am neither particularly large nor particularly skinny (size 12 - 14 when not pregnant), and my placenta is not anterior, so there is no reason why I should be feeling my baby later than whatever is normal.
Don't worry Hun I have had a little flutter a while back don't know if was baby or not. Had nothing since. They say after 16 weeks really.
I didn't start feeling baby until I was over 16 weeks and even then it was very sporadic and this is my 2nd child (4th pregnancy - 1 termination, 1 late mc). It is still very very early. My mw told me that most mums-to-be don't feel anything until after 18 weeks (even for a 2nd/3rd/more pregnancy). You may also just have a baby with it's feet to your back so you can't feel as much even when you are later on. Don't worry at all hun xxx
Don't worry Hun. I felt like this last week and I'm 20weeks preg with my 2nd. When I had my scan she confirmed the reason I wasn't feeling them is because the baby is lying facing my back. So it might just be the position. Try not to worry. X
Try not to worry hun, they are still quite small at this point and your LO could be in a position where you cant feel him/her yet x x

hun i first felt baby properly just under 16 weeks once or twice since then but not lots. i think its normal to not happen until a little later xx
I didn't feel baby properly until 20 weeks ! Felt a few wierd sensations after 18 weeks but nothing definate until 20 weeks x

I agree with the others, baby might turn in a day or so and you feel something. Def no need to worry yet, I did feel this one early (second pregnancy) but it was pretty infrequent and very easy to miss, wasn't until after 16 weeks or so I noticed a lot more.
Don't worry hun, I didn't really feel anything until 20 weeks xx
I was exactly the same up until a few weeks ago.. I was starting to get really worried. I think I was one of the later ones to feel anything, I have only just in the past two weeks started to feel movement, wriggles and kicks and they are getting stronger by the day.

I agree, this is my third and i did feel this one very early but went thru a couple of weeks about 15-16 where i felt nothing.. im sure its just the position baby is in... as LO is battering the hell out of me 24/7 now lol but it still can be far back so my OH cant always feel it.. think how tiny bubs is it could be anywhere in ur bump :) try to relax its still early xx

Didn't want to read and run! I'm 26+2 with my first baby, and I didn't feel anything until about 18 weeks. My sister in law is also pg, it's her third and she didn't start feeling anything until 18 weeks! Her midwife told her that sometimes the baby can be laying facing inside you, and then you don't feel anything... You only feel it at that stage when the baby is facing outwards and it's kicks and punches hit your stomach

Hope that helps xx
Oh I forgot to say I have a front placenta whichI've heard can cushion babies movement which maybe why I didn't feel him until later plus he is my first so wasn't sure what was wind or what was him lol! X


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