Who will actually miss being Pregnant?!?!


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Iv done nothing but moan since the start of this pregnancy... being fair to me tho, i had hyperemesis (severe sickness) and spent most of the 1st 17 weeks in hosp... The second tri was a breeze but these last few weeks have really dragged on and on. Every day has felt like a week.

I will, however, miss being pregnant :shock:
nope not at this point. I've been lucky enough to have a wonderful pregnancy, no morning sickness, lots of lovely kicks, very little heartburn, no constipation. But still i have had enough and want to board the pain train.

I think I will miss the special closeness with bubs....But other than that: please exit at the hole ahead! :rotfl:
I dont think I will. I had a couple kidney infections that made me really sick. But I miss being able to bend down with out hurting or sit in the same place with out getting uncomfy and having to wiggle.

I also dont really like having to be really carefull with myself. I hate knowing if I do something really stupid then it could hurt Pip really bad and that scares me because I have never been someone who looks after themself well in the way of being all delicate and not rushing or running around or even things like jumping up and down and being silly. I want to go on fair rides and water slides and stuff but I know I cant.

My OH however seems to be really keen on having more kids really soon...I love children and I would love loads but then I do think the pregnancy thing is something that I haven't exactly embraced Ive just let it happen and put it too the back of my head! I cant wait to actually hold Pip and love her so much but this part is smelly!
I always said I wouldn't miss being pregnant but now that I'm not I really do! Love my little girl more than anything but do miss it nonetheless.
Iought i wouldnt, but i missed it like hell :)
me i will, i love being pregnant, had awful sickness this time till week 13 but otherwisw not too bad. Im sad to think this may be my last too as i would like 3 but hubby only wants 2 but we'll see. :D
I think I'll probably miss having a bump, I do like being reminded by seeing it every morning.

But, I won't miss the backaches, wee stops (although those will be replaced by more interupted sleep) and all those other niggles. I expect we'll probably look back on it with rose-tinted glasses and forget about these things!
My current thoughts are that I can't wait to be normal again. But like Nicky says, I bet I'll look back on this with rose tinted specs and will miss it :lol:
I really miss it! Enjoy it while you can ladies.

So glad we have Sam but miss the feeling of being pregnant

fuffins1981 said:
I think I will miss the special closeness with bubs....But other than that: please exit at the hole ahead! :rotfl:

DITTO!!!! I want this baby out ASAP! :lol:
I will miss the closeness and the excitement of moving through the different stages but I am so uncomfortable now that I couldn't stand to stay this way any longer than I have to. Up to about 30 weeks it was mostly good and in fact in 2nd tri I felt fantastic. But please Bubs don't hang around past your due date :pray:
:shock: I for one wont be missing being pregnant, based on this pregnancy. I've not had the smoothest ride. I had quite a few bleeds in 2nd trimester, 2 quite serious ones where I woke up thinking i had wet the bed :oops: to find watered down blood on my pjs and bed clothes then having to wait almost a week each time to get an emergency scan to find out if my baby was okay or not. It caused stress on me and peter to the point where we finished things because he couldnt handle not knowing what was going on and would leave me on my own to deal with it while he went to his friends to drink and blank it out of his mind. add to all that the sore hips i have and every ache and pain i have those are my reasons i wont be missing pregnancy :shakehead:

:think: however I must say I think ill miss them cheeky little kicks i get when Im dosing off to sleep or when i just wake up.
I'll defo miss it. It shocked me how much I missed being pregnant after having my first.

I had bleeding/spotting in first tri in both my pregnancies which caused lots of worries but since 2nd tri, I've felt fabulous.

It's a special time that I'll always treasure.
I haven't really enjoyed being pregnant because of the worry of the bleeding of the first tri and have never really relaxed.

Right now I just want to meet her and to make sure she is ok.

Don't think I'll miss the constant trips to the toilet :lol:
i have had norovirus, bronchitis, kidney infections, terrible acid reflux...... to be honest, i dont think i will miss it!!!!!

hope that doesnt make me evil!
I always likened pregnancy to attention seeking. (yes yes I may get slated for that...!)

But there really are those who are "Look at Me I'm Pregnant" I was more "yes, it's a baby" !

I didn't expect special treatment because of it :)

edit; after that I realised I hadn't answered the question, Yes, I miss it - so I completely contradict myself :rotfl:

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