who said it was wisdom was very wrong indeed


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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Ok I can't remember the last time I was able to sleep properly either because of doing the wee wee marathon, my eldest daughter and her cough or waking up crying with nightmares ect or husband snoring. Last night I broke down as desperetly just want to sleep and the last few nights been kept awake badly with hubby snoring, joanna coughing and pet rats on a noisy mission so hubby said he'll have the sofa as we can't sleep together and i've been sleeping on the sofa which goes to show husbands snoring has been really bad recently. Anyway I finally trot of to bed at about 1.30am after taking some acid medicine for my acid in my throat which has been really bad tonite and the med is absolutly disgusting tastes like minty milkmagnesia and so I go to bed and hope for a few hours peace. Hmmm well hubby and child fine not a bloody peep out of them, wisdom tooth which I've been having problems with recently but not been too bad last 24 hrs or so fires up big time keeping me awake and to top that agony off I've still got really bad acid in my throat. Can we take sleepng pills during pregnancy???? I need a good nights sleep or i'm going to crack. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
I know how you feel, OH has somehow learned to breathe like Darth Vader i the last few weeks so I have no chance of managing to sleep next to him. Then the heartburn kicks in, then I start to feel really sick............ the list goes on. Don't you jut love thrid tri :lol:

Alex xxx
some days (or nights in this case) you really feel like the odds are stacked against you!

I don't know what you can take for insomnia during pregnancy, but i hope you are able to get loads of sleep tonight.

awwwww i feel for you! i keep telling myself that it is someones way of preparing me for sleepless nights in a few days to come! OH has taken to sleeping on his back, and snores like a Beast!!! i also i have waterproof sheet on my bed (protect memory foam mattress, from any water-break activity). it is sooooooooooooooo sweaty, i wake up and i'm stuck in some funny position becuase it wont let me move freely, i feel so fed up...
cant lay on my sides = Hips hurt
cant lay on my back = Restrict flow to baby
Cant sit up straight= cant breath as im all bunched up under ribs
cant lay proped up = killer back ache
cant lay down full STOP! = BLOODY HEARTBURN!

I Feel like Jumping out the window!!!!!!!!! :wave:
:oops: :oops: I'm the one who snores :oops: :oops:

...but I have found that Raspberry leaf tea just before I go to bed helps me sleep! I haven't used it for the past 2 nights, to lazy to make it, and haven't slept until 3am so will go back and try that again.

Give it a go, as it is suppose to help strengthern the uterus for birth too. (No more then 4 cups a day though)

Aw, no sleep is horrid - can't hubby sleep on the couch so you at least have some more comfort?

I've been sleeping in the spare bed for weeks now, my sleep's so disturbed with wee trips and baby dreams that I couldn't handle OH's nocturnal footie playing / dancing etc as well :lol: (although he doesn't snore which is a blessing)

I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight xxx
Well I finally fell asleep at about 6am and am now again awake but feel like poo and am sooooooooo snappy. Just want to say that I've also got one of those mattress protectors on my bed as my step mom inlaw brought us a new dreams bed a few weeks ago and I wanted to protect it, well I've thought on a few occasions whether I should take armbands to bed with me or not :rotfl:
tinkerbell* said:
cant lay on my sides = Hips hurt
cant lay on my back = Restrict flow to baby
Cant sit up straight= cant breath as im all bunched up under ribs
cant lay proped up = killer back ache
cant lay down full STOP! = BLOODY HEARTBURN!

I Feel like Jumping out the window!!!!!!!!! :wave:

That's exactly how it is for me....there is not one position that is comfortable on all fronts. Added to that I have very swollen ankles now how do I put my feet up without squishing bubs back up to my ribs, lying on my back or causing acid reflux grrrrr!

Oh and I wake myself snoring now too! :oops:

I guess this just gets us to the stage where we say bring on labour no matter how painful!!!!

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