Who have you told?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2012
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I have read of some people keeping it between them and their OH until 12 weeks. I can't imagine that. I don't want the world to know, but I feel if something does happen to go wrong, there are people whose support I need and who may need to help me (my Mum and Dad for a start)

So who have you told?
Me and the OH have kept it to ourselves for the last 3 weeks but had to tell the mother in law tonight as she wanted to know if we were all still going abroad in november then wanted to know why not and wouldnt let it drop lol. thats it no1 else will know until im 12 weeks at least, but then im super paranoid something will go wrong. I feel like ive tempted fate telling the mother in law tonight let alone telling anyone else.x
My OH and I have decided not to tell anyone till 12 weeks. I am an emotional person with my OH but nobody else! and I hate attention and don't like people feeling sorry for me or giving me sympathy so if anything happens we would rather deal with the disappointment ourselves and not be getting more upset when people try comforting us etc Sounds wierd but thats how we feel although trying to avoid taking booze at the in laws is gonna be super hard without attracting suspicion haha! x
i'm 7 wks and have told my family the OH family and very close friends :) going to let the rest of the world know at 3 months :) x
I've just told immediate family. OH can't keep his mouth shut tho, he's told loads of people!
I agree with your comment regarding if something goes wrong u would need the support. My news is not common knowledge as yet. All close family and friends know and I don't like to keep secrets from them. A couple of people at work know. I work with around 200 people so it's still is considered a secret. Just a week today until I can tell everyone!!
I'll have to tell my Osteopath as it effects the treatment I can have. Really don't want my parents to know at all but will have to tell them at some point.

In-laws I'll tell when we go see them on 15th June for the weekend. MIL will spread it like wild fire so might as well tell everyone else then.
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So far we have told my parents and his Dad and sister, his Sister is not going to tell her son as he has a very big mouth and it will be over Facebook in minutes. We told my Daughter who has been told she may tell her one best friend (who will apparently 'guess' anyway, she always knows when she has a secret) and one of our fellow Scout leaders, mainly to explain for the strange behaviour from us both. I think the OH is intending to tell his one work colleague too. Seems like loads of people now, but we felt them all necessary to tell really. I feel so impatient for 3 months to come around though and am really thankfully for this place where I can talk openly about it
I told absolutely everyone at 5 weeks :lol:
I was 12 weeks on Wednesday so I have been telling absolutely everyone this week! Told my mum and dad straight away though as I think they would have been upset with me if I hadn't and they would be my main support if something happened. Didn't tell OH's parents until about 10/11 weeks though. I think it totally depends on your own circumstances. There were people I was desperate to tell ages ago but I just couldn't guarantee they wouldn't tell the wrong person and let the whole island know by teatime!
I'm only 9 weeks, but I've had 2 scans are both are fine.

I told my partner first, and then my mum, dad and siblings - his mother knows as well.

My family know, the god mother and father know - 2 close friends know - my tutors know (for safety reasons). His flat mates at uni know - and where he works (he can't keep surprises! :p)

I think everything is going fine - you get some aches and pains but nothing too bad. Good luck!
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I'm 9+6. Not telling anybody else until the scan on 6 June. Our immediate family's know and my best friend and midwife (who also is a friend) I'm not telling work until I'm 4 months as I've just moved from fixed term to perm with the same company so I don't want them to think I was pushing for a perm contract just to get may leave and a job to come back to lol

I'm not sure how my other friends will react but whatever...

Me and my OH havent told anyone. we are keeping it between our selves until we have first scan at least.
We dont want people to feel sorry for us if something happens and i know that if something does happen we would both feel better if our parents didnt know. Plus both sets of parents live 40 - 50 mins away from us so its not like they could just pop over to make sure we were alright. Thats our choice anyway, i know some people would like the support. :)
We've told our parents, dh sister and my boss due to work issues but trying to keep it under wraps for now.
Apart from a few I had to tell at work only really my parents.

Terrified of it going wrong so don't want to jinx myself !

Well despite not wanting to tell anyone, we have had to...simply because I had been pushing my father for a job at the family business as I hate my current job but when he offered me a position yesterday I sounded reluctant to take it (as I have got a good maternity pay with being with my current job over a year so dont want to leave until I go off on maternity!) He knew something was up and I could not think of a good excuse so had to tell my mum and step dad and my dad and now prepping for the in laws.
Everyone is so excited it is making me really anxious, I feel I will have to disappoint all these happy people if something goes wrong. Stressful. xx
We've told both sets of parents as they knew about our fertility treatment, my best friend (couldn't not tell her!) and i've told my 2 managers at work due to the nature of my job. We have our first scan next week, but want to wait until our second scan at 12 weeks before we tell anyone. Even then i don't want it to be common knowledge, people who we tell will be told it keep it quiet! After the 20 week scan anyone and everyone can know!! I'm worried about m/c and don't want to jinx it
We have told friends and family and work.

I think obviously people know through word of mouth and stuff..
I told my immediate family when I found out at 5 weeks, and everybody else was told after my 12 week scan :D xx
We haven't told anyone, and I am quite enjoying this being our little secret! I'm almost 7 weeks pregnant, and we just want to wait until we know everything is OK with this being our first.


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