Who Has What?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hi ladies, thought I'd get a little thread going to get everyone chatting, it's so very quiet in here and I'm a massive chatterbox so finding it hard lol.

I was wondering who has what symptoms and how many weeks they are to see who else is the same in both weeks and signs? See if there's any similarities or even differences? Or just a general who's where!

I don't really know whereabouts I am :rolleyes: but I've been having nausea, headaches, slightly bruised boobs, bloated belly, yellowish discharge (am wearing pads cos am on constant knickerwatch :oooo: ), oily hair and spots (thanks little bean!), have even had shooting pains in my boobs and down below, not sure if that's normal or not though. :confused:

I don't get these all at once, sometimes I'll have a few but then sometimes I don't feel anything, which worries me but then I remind myself it's totally normal. :)

I feel fine at the moment though!

Anyone else?

x x
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Hello :)
I'm now 7 weeks - sore boobs at night only. Had 2 days of sickness last week, headaches seemed to have stopped but had them for about 4 weeks. Very tired early in the evening, that's about it for me, seem to having a good time of it!
I'm feeling the tiredness - I was in bed last night at half 7! I got hubby to go and get me a cheeseburger from McDonald's at about 10.30pm though! :blush:

Good to hear you're feeling ok though. :)

x x
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o i had sore boob last night it was stinging like a wasp sting for ages x
Mine just feel slightly bruised at the sides, not too bad at all really. x x
Hi :wave:

I'm 11 weeks today! I'm very very tired, luckily my morning sickness stopped at about 9 weeks but started at 5 weeks. I keeping getting bad backache and I've had spots! (I've never had spots before!) :shakehead:
Also twice in the last few days I have felt this little tickle in my tummy and I've been wondering if it's poppy (the name just stuck). I already have a beautiful little boy and have heard that you feel the baby sooner in your second pregnancy. Do you think is was poppy?
I have major cravings for junk food too! xxx:shock:
maybe have bath might make them feel better wait till u had baby wow bloody hell i never breast fed omg sore sore aint the word like big hard rocks ouch!!!
hi am 6 weeks today i have very sore boobs some times and they r feeling very heavy compared to normal. feel tiered most of the time and some times i think i feel sick and light headed but not sure if i reallly do or if its my mind playing tricks on me lol x
Mookie - Oooh, maybe, I have no idea cos this is my first baby lol. Backache.. I've had a couple of bouts but nothing too bad. :) x x
hi am 6 weeks today i have very sore boobs some times and they r feeling very heavy compared to normal. feel tiered most of the time and some times i think i feel sick and light headed but not sure if i reallly do or if its my mind playing tricks on me lol x

Hi hun. :wave:

I noticed today my boobs felt fuller as well, had a dizzy spell earlier, felt sooo lightheaded!

Does anyone have any mild crampy/achey feelings?

I've gotten these on and off, very mild but it's worrying me, as usual! x x
Hi :wave: Im 9+3

Ive felt sick since week 5 never actually been sick which is good but felt it from the moment I woke up till I go back to bed in the evening. From this week Ive not felt as sick so been a little worried but nice to see it was the same for mookie and it starts to ease around week 9.
I have the worst acne too which I don't normally have, sore boobs and a sore back occasionally.
Im also really tired I put this down to the pregnancy but I had a letter about the bloods which were taken a few weeks ago, ive been to see the midwife and apparently im anaemic had have more bloods done today so not sure what this is all about yet! Hopefully it will be ok!
yer i have cramps on and off not bad ones but i feel them they were worrying me but read loads online bout them and they seem to be normal xxxx
Thanks Hayels, feeling better now, only seems to be when I lean on my belly or if it's squashed. :confused: x x

VickyB - Ah, sorry to hear you're anaemic, perhaps your iron levels are low? Hope you're feeling more refreshed soon hun. :) x x
Hi! I'm 6 weeks today too! Been feeling very nauseous and tired, so tired and light headed a lot! Boobs have started to ache now and I too get some cramps in my lower tummy but from what I've read it seems to be normal! Have also noticed my hair getting greasier too, not v attractive! Seem to want to eat loads of junk at the mo- trying not to overdo it tho, otherwise I'm gonna be the size of an elephant by end of pregnancy!!
I've had cramps too!! I was really worried until my partner explained to me that a few weeks ago poppy was the size of an olive and she has grown to the size of a lime today! OH keeps telling me not to forget how amazing our bodies are and is surprised I haven't complained of more cramps as poppy is growing so fast :) xx
Hi 11+3

Extremely tired, at 5 weeks nausea with sickness started but thankfully it is going now (never had it like this with my previous too), boobs feel..... bruised is a good description MissJ, snuffly nose, and no spots this time (yipee). Yestarday and today I felt a pop, just one so can't be a nerve jumping but it feels like just one twitch, telling myself it is far to early to be feeling junior! Starting with sciatica........ and er........... oh yeah I've piled on too much weight.
Hi 11+3

Extremely tired, at 5 weeks nausea with sickness started but thankfully it is going now (never had it like this with my previous too), boobs feel..... bruised is a good description MissJ, snuffly nose, and no spots this time (yipee). Yestarday and today I felt a pop, just one so can't be a nerve jumping but it feels like just one twitch, telling myself it is far to early to be feeling junior! Starting with sciatica........ and er........... oh yeah I've piled on too much weight.
Sorry don't know why it posted twice and don't know how to delete one.......
Sorry don't know why it posted twice and don't know how to delete one.......
Eeeeek, starting to believe I could be further on than I think! I have *exactly* the same as you mum2b410!! I noticed my hair feels greasy/oily and I only washed it yesterday.

Hmmm, the 27th cannot come any sooner! x x

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