To all those who already have little buns...symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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I am not currently pregnant (well, to be honest, I don't know). However, have a week left before AF (7dpo). Everyone I read about who thinks they have caught or have caught recently talks about symptoms such as very sore boobs, nausea, irratibility, peeing alot, large ammounts of CM, etc... my boobs have started to slightly ache (but this comes and goes). I have a few achy dragging twinges both sides of my abdomen occasionally....but I can't help thinking I have not been lucky this month because my symptoms are not really obvious.....with my first pregancy (I m/c), they were alot stronger. I get on a real downer and very frustrated. Every time my boobs have a slight twinge I say to DH "my boobs are zinging" and he replies "GOOD!". I am getting his hopes up as well. I should stay quiet and let nature take it's course.........DID ANYONE ELSE HAVE VERY FEW OR JUST MILD SYMPTOMS 1 WEEK BEFORE AF OR DOES EVERYONE HAVE RAGING SYMPTOMS????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hiya Julia

Not all of us have lots of symptoms and certainly not very early on. I didn't have any glaringly obvious symptoms until I was at least 7wks pregnant....Infact I havn't really had many symptoms throughout the whole of my pregnancy so far.

Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you over the next week.
Thanks for your reply Rachael,

I have been having the odd sensation/twinges in my chest and stomach but I have learnt to try and ignore these to avoid disappointment. The only good thing is is that I normally have them just before my AF and this is a whole week before...there you are, I am doing it again, getting my hopes up. I wish I had lived decades ago because signs and symptoms weren't written or talked about and early pregnancy tests/normal pregnancy tests weren't about - I think all this worrying, waiting and wondering is a bad thing - I feel like my life is on hold. DH has suggested going out tonight, so I think I might do that BUT the other half of me is saying "be careful, don't drink, just in case". I will go out but I think I will take it easy (for a change).....!
I did not feel any symptoms before week 6. I took 2 days off work on that week because I felt sick and very weak, I went to my GP, who did not even think about pregnancy!!!!!!! :?
He advised me to stay home, as he thought I had a flu!
but then, it just got worse and my breast started being painful...I did a test and that's when i discovered I was pregnant!
now, I am in week 10 (11 tomorrow), and most of my symptoms have disappeared again! which made me worry a lot, but just had a scan, and little bean is doing fine, kicking with joy! :)

Just keep the hope high, and take a test as soon as you think you can...I'll keep on sending you good vibes!

Take care,
Mel xx
I didnt get and symptoms apart from my boobs got massive (much to my oh excitement lol) and they were a little tender, didn't get any stomach pains at all and didnt start feeling or being sick until week 8
hi im in week 9 and i still have not had many symptons!!!! my boobs hurt and that is about it! no sickness etc so just hang in there and do test as soon as you think it is right best time is on the first day of missing period as this is most realiable. will be thinking of you over the next week.

sarah x

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