Who has their MWs number?!! *Off to Day Assesment Unit*


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I don't have a number for my MW, just the number for the doctors they are based at, and they're there just a couple of days a week.

I've been having headaches, dizziness and these flashy dots and black blobs in my eyes for ages, and it just keeps geeting worse and worse, but as my BP has been fine (last was 140/80) they think I'm fine, but it's getting so distracting I can't concerntrate at work! :(
I'm getting a decent amount of sleep, drinking plenty, eating regularly and resting plenty.

I just tried calling them but they said I would get a Midwife to call back Monday. Obviously I'm not an emergency case but I just feel like a grump cause I can't get on with things feeling like this. :(
I was given my MW mobile number.

Do you have any numbers on the front of your green notes booklet? I'd call the hospital number if you can't get your midwife. Your blood pressure can go up quite quickly so I don't think that you should have to wait around til monday to get it checked! In my opinion 140/80 is fairly high see below from BUPA website


Doctors usually diagnose pre-eclampsia if your blood pressure is greater than 140/90mmHg, and protein shows up in urine tests. When pre-eclampsia is suspected you will usually be admitted into hospital. The following tests will be carried out.

* Blood pressure checks about every four hours.
* Urine collection over 24 hours to measure the exact amount of protein in your urine.
* Blood tests to help assess the severity of the disease; including kidney, liver and blood clotting tests. Repeat tests will also give an idea of whether the condition is getting worse.
* Ultrasound scans to check for intra-uterine growth restriction, the blood flow in the umbilical cord and the volume of liquid around the baby, which if low, may be an indicator of an underdeveloped placenta. The baby's breathing and movements are also monitored.
* Fetal heart rate monitoring using a cardiotocograph (CTG) monitor. This checks the baby's immediate wellbeing and can help detect when the fetus is becoming distressed.

Sometimes not all of these tests may be needed immediately. If you are told you have pre-eclampsia, you may need to stay in hospital for the remainder of your pregnancy.

:hug: :hug: Don't want to scare you but I'd get it checked out now.
I dont have mine but like you just the docs. But I do have a number for the labour unit at the hospital Im going to just in case I need to speak to anyone.
When did you last have your BP taken. as I agree it could go up quickly and your symptoms sound like it could be BP caused. How long have you had these? Hope you are ok?

Ask the doc receptionist give you the number?

Can't you give up work yet? You've been feeling awful for ages now.
Nope docs just said they'll take a message! Can't leave work as I'm only a temp and won't get any income.

I've had them for about 10 weeks now, maybe longer :( I have the number for the labour ward on my Maternity Notes, but didn't want to bother them as the MW and GP never seemed worried about it :think: And just said I should expect it being pregnant!

A woman at work had Pre-Eclempsia with her two and has always been checking up on me!

Think I'll give the hospital labour ward a call, as fed up of feeling like this everyday!
Is there a number that puts you through to an office for the midwifes in your area? I've been given a number to for "midwife liaison" which I ring if I can't get hold of my midwife.
I would hun, if its nothing then at least your not worrying. But it can come along so quick. Let us know how you get on :hug:

Hospital have asked me to go along to Day Assesment Unit so going to waddle home and get my notes then head over there
Good luck Lu!!

(Anything to put off that thing you were going to do today ay?! :wink: :lol: )

Hope everything's ok :pray: :hug: xx
:hug: Hope it goes well and that they are sympathetic to you!! :hug:
Im so glad you went with your gut instinct and phoned the ward, Im sure everything will be ok in the long run, but you cannot ignore pre eclampsia symptoms.

Keep us updated.

dannii87 said:
Good luck Lu!!

(Anything to put off that thing you were going to do today ay?! :wink: :lol: )

Hope everything's ok :pray: :hug: xx

Haha cheek!! I will do it, promise! I've made a start (see the mat pay/credit section) but will have to wait til later to update you on it now!
Lucie's in hospital at the moment getting checked out! She's got pre-eclampsyia(sp?) signs :pray: Hoping it's nothing serious... If it is pre-eclampsyia, she'll probably have to have Jacques by C-section as early as next week! :shock: If you look at her ticker though, everything's in working order it's just maturing - Plus, if it's what's best for Mum & the little guy then the docs know what they're doing.

Last time I checked she was still in and waiting for blood results... I'll text her again!

Hugs to you Lu :hug: x
Thanks for the update Dannii

Hope everything is going OK for Lucie!
Hope everything is going well

i had pre-eclampsia (sp?) with my first and they induced me he was 2 weeks early though,

if baby came now babe should be fine though.

send my love

I'm glad someone is taking her seriously at last. She's been feeling like this for weeks.

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