Flashing Dots and Dizzyness?!! *UPDATE*

HideiLu said:
Well I called the doctors where my MW is based (and my GP) but got passed around in a game of phone tennis then got a call back to say no MW is not there until Thursday! :roll: And to just bring it up with GP this afternoon.
ring your maternity unit!! its so better to be safe than sorry!!
SO glad everything is well. Defo keep your eye on it and dont ever feel like your mithering them.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad it isn't serious :cheer: Good excuse for resting and letting your OH spoil you for a bit though ;)
Mildly said:
Glad it isn't serious :cheer: Good excuse for resting and letting your OH spoil you for a bit though ;)

Too bloody right! He did fetch me drinks and dinner last night bless him! I will milk the SPD part of things though, get him doing a bit more....think the toilet needs a clean...hmmm!! :twisted:
It's your body's way of telling you to slow down and rest.

Definitely get him cleaning the toilet :twisted:
I would definitely mention it again and stress that it really isn't right! I'm very surprised that they haven't been worried about it :hug: Perhaps they have their reasons but they could at least explain them to you so that you stop worrying too :hug:
Thanks Mildly. Booked in to see GP again tomorrow, My Birthday! but no other time suitable and want to see him asap x
Good, I think that is for the best :D I hope they are able to give you a satisfactory answer as to why they don't find these symptoms worrying.

And Happy Birthday for tomorrow :cheer:
HideiLu said:

I'm still getting the funny white flashing dots, but also feeling really lightheaded everyday, and getting blurred vision with little black smudges falling in front of my eyes! (I am eating & drinking plenty, and getting my 5 a day too).

I've brought this up with the MW and two different GPs now, and as my blood pressure has been fine, they are not worried :?

Feel stupid going back and booking another appointment to mention it for a 4th time, but it just doesn't seem right!

Been to the docs.

He confirmed SPD :( But took my blood pressure which was fine today and as protein etc is fine, he is not too worried but said to keep informed if symptoms get worse or persist.

I have another GP appointment with my regular doc next week for blood results, which even though this doc checked them and said was fine (just a little low in iron) to still keep the other appointment incase things feel like they're getting worse.

He thinks it may just be a blood flow thing, which is apparently slower when preggers, causing the dizzyness and dots.


Sorry I feel like I'm coming up with problem after problem!!

I can look after myself, honest!! :oops:

About half a dozen times now, I've had faint spells and get little white flashy dots in my eyes?! (Honestly, I'm not on drugs! Just Rennies!) I often get a bit dizzy too...anyone else?!

I mentioned it to GP a few weeks back and she just took my blood pressure, said it was high but ok and sent me home x

Ive had the same except I've had severly swollen hands off and on yesterday then today I had 7-10 dizzy spells and fainted in natwest bank, I got peter to take me to the obstetrics day unit today to be checked over... I wasnt impressed with it to be honest firstly I didnt have my notes cause we drove straight there and it was like pulling teeth to be seen, as its such an issue for me not to carry them at all times. so after pursuading her to "bend the rules just this once" (patronising jobsworth) I had my bp and pulse checked bp was low pulse was high??? then my pee and it was showing signs of diabetes apparently so she then did the pin prick test for my blood sugars... normal 6.8 no diabetes there then... so then she tried to TELL me I havent eaten all day... little did she know I had eaten cereal toast and a bannana for brekie and had cheese on toast for lunch along side 4 choccie bickies and a handfull of my grandads jelly babies. so i explained I had eaten and then she decided I have anemia and took my bloods and sent them off and me on my way saying "we'll have your results on thursday ring then and ask then whats wrong"

also in the toilets when i was donating pee, i washed my hands and the liquid soap squirted right at me all over my top!!!!!

I know this is no help to you just thought id hijack and moan lol :roll:
Oh hun :( Sorry I can't help but it does sound odd?!

Don't EVER feel bad for keep on going to the docs! They're human too and can overlook things, as long as you feel ok that's the main thing, and if you're not feeling ok, then you want a definitive answer what it is!

Big hugs to you :hug: xx

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