Who has a surprise bump in here?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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It seems so many on here know which team they are i was wondering who else is still having a surprise baby and if you have a 'feeling' or not as to what your having.

I have resisted the urge to find out on 3 scan now but must say i would have caved in if hubby had wanted to find out too! I initially had many blue thoughts but now im thinking pink (well for this week-he he!) Who knows! Not long to wait- :dance:

Look forward to hearing from fellow team greeners. :D
i am team green

alathogh i seem to be having more pink days than blue lately
I am team green and have resisted finding out on 3 scans as well. I had initial pink feelings but by looking at the scans and how I am carrying I now think team blue but we will have to wait 9 weeks and see :D
I've got a green bean too and I'm very proud of it. I'm having blue vibes mind you, I think everyone will be pretty shocked if I have a baby girl. I can say 100% that I don't mind either way though :D

Alex xxx
everyone keeps saying i will have a girl but im not sure, i would be happy with a boy or girl, just want to meet my baby :D
I'm green! :D I'm pretty proud of myself for resisting, too. It was hard because my husband and mother were at the last scan and they told me at the last second that they want to know. How mean of them! I have always gravitated toward girls' clothes, but I don't really have a "feeling" one way or the other. I'm trying not to analyse anything because I don't want to get used to the idea of one and then seem disappointed if it turns out the other way.

Last time I saw a midwife she asked if I knew and when I said no she called me a good girl! :D
I'm Team green! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I don't know how i kept my curiosity at bay but i did. Now I'm just soo excited to know!

I'm thinking team Blue but i don't know why.

Me too!! :D
I'm having a very different pregnancy to the last one so I think boy but everyone else thinks its a girl! I dont mind either way though!
I'm Team green but have Blue vibes, others have looked at my bump and said boy :)
I applaud all the team greeners! I am far too nosy for my own good that I made it my mission to find out the sex! :lol:
I have to say I never gave anything away about my feelings during my pregnancy. We were team green throughout and decided the money we could spend on a private scan to find out would be better spent on LO once he or she was here. Everyone asked if I "had a feeling" what I was having and I told them I didn't know. Secretly I thought I was having a girl and couldn't for the life of me think of a name for a boy.

So I wasn't surprised to lift her leg and find she was a girl :lol:
we have our 6th scan 2moz eek need to resist again lol

thinking i have come this far now so im happy to wait a few weeks to find out x
Im team green.

Midwife thinks its a girl but trying not to get my hopes up. Both me & hubby would like a girl so Im convinced its a boy then when it does come out a boy im not disappointed

We are team green :)

Got a scan tomorrow and will resist again. It is only a few weeks now. having blue vibes. But had overwhelming pink vibes with my son :shock: :rotfl:
Good to see theres quite a few of us on team green :D

Charlie, just being nosey but what makes your midwife think its a girl? is it the heartbeat? :) [/quote]
:wave: hi...
im a TEAM GREEN......
all through my pregnancy ive had blue vibes, and as times gone on, its got stronger!
not once have i thought im having a girl!

ill be mighty suprised if it IS a girl!

PS: well done for staying team green!!!
We stayed team green til Luke popped out and we're so glad we did and would do so again next time :D
katie05 said:
Good to see theres quite a few of us on team green :D

Charlie, just being nosey but what makes your midwife think its a girl? is it the heartbeat? :)

Yes the heartbeat, hope she's right
we've stayed green, but i have had blue thoughts since before conception, had pink dreams though. OH has been having pink thoughts recently so one of us will be right.


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