Who has a lovely hangover.

No no No :D

But had a fab night!!!

Nom Nom NOm macdonalds nom nom nom :D
*puts hand up*

I'm never drinking tropical watermelon bacardi breezer again :puke:
I think if I was a bit more awake I would be feeling more hungover! Only climbed into bed at 5am and was woke by my Dad calling at 8.40am! :bored: Got another thing today at friends house, then my Auntie's tomorrow then drinks and lunch on Saturday with my friend and my sister......

been nice knowing you all :lol:
Slinky Sarah said:
No no No :D

But had a fab night!!!

Nom Nom NOm macdonalds nom nom nom :D

Whatttttt, I did not hear you :lol:

SarahH said:
I think if I was a bit more awake I would be feeling more hungover! Only climbed into bed at 5am and was woke by my Dad calling at 8.40am! :bored: Got another thing today at friends house, then my Auntie's tomorrow then drinks and lunch on Saturday with my friend and my sister......

been nice knowing you all :lol:

You're very sociable! :)
I feel i had the best of both worlds i went out to a family pub with dd for a party but was home by 10 (didnt drink) so i didnt stay in :cheer:

I feel sorry for all those with hangovers thats the one plus of pregnancy or bf you dont drink (or not often or not a lot).
yey no hangover for me and it feels great!! :cheer: :cheer: had a mega lie in tho but enjoying not having a hang over woohoo
Nope no hangover, for a change! Still can't face a big drink after boxing night!
I'm not hungover :eek: I got quite typsy last night then remembered I had a son who would be up at 8:00 so decided to take it easy and I am so glad I did. Getting too old for hangover's these days :lol:
No hangover here, and it actually feels very good :think: :think: :think:

Papa 2 be on the other hand is a totaly different kettle of fish! :rotfl: He's like that WKD advert on telly where the guy is calling 'Nurse, nurse . . ' :lol:
Mama 2 Be said:
Papa 2 be on the other hand is a totaly different kettle of fish! :rotfl: He's like that WKD advert on telly where the guy is calling 'Nurse, nurse . . ' :lol:

Aaah the pain...he will have to think twice about it when LO arrives...you can always put him on baby duty when he is hungover - delightful experience! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

No hangover for me but I do have a headache due to the whinging from my grumpy hungover husband :talkhand:
No hangover but bloody knackered! And nothing to do with the fact it was new years eve! Lola-Mae had a bad night last night :( Poor girlie isnt so well! Up till 4am then up again at 9am! Luckily though I got to go back to sleep for a bit but still knackered haha
Didnt even get to finish my champagne last night :( gutted!
No hangover here, I only had one glass of champagne at midnight and drank peppermint tea for the rest of the evening :lol:

It's feels good to wake up on the first day of the new year without feeling ill :D
ME!!! argh i could do with a fry up or an indian take-away but had to make do with leftover crisps & ferrero rocher (sp?!) from last night :lol:

and my OH had a bit to drink and suggested we start trying for another baby! :shock: Partly drunk/horny/loving being a daddy but it scared the bejesus outta me. Lucky I wasnt too drunk or i might have gone along with it :moon:
Nope!! Had a glass of champers, then Isla decided she wanted to play...till 5am :bored:
Its actually really nice not being hungover on New Years Day :D
not me woop i didnt drink last nite not one drop. i did all my partying last weekend at my engagement do :D
i had a sip of champers at 12 :shhh:

We drove home, so OH is hangover free as well today :D

we saw too many people walking home obviously from not going home the night before this morning.

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