Who else keeps being told their bump is small?!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
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I'm not worried about it as I know bub is fine and was measuring perfectly at scan but guess I want a bigger bump now! I was small to start with and now have a definite bump which I think is a reasonable size but I keep being told I look small for 5 months! Suppose I should be happy about lack of stretchmarks :-D Would put photos on but still have no idea how to
Over the last couple of weeks my bump has popped out from nowhere! Don't worry what people say, take advantage of the small bump to do all the things you need to do, because pretty soon even tying your laces will become a major event!! xx
A few people have said I have a small bump but scan I had showed baby is growing fine so I'm not worried. I would enjoy it before you get really big! lol. x
Yeah. I got it at yoga last night, and a wedding the other week. My pics are up on the bumpy pics thread, and I'm not feeling small at all, I just started off from quite a flat belly. In fact, I feel pretty enormous by the evenings. My midwife said I was measuring bang on the right size at 25 weeks. Don't worry about what people say. Everyone carries differently[FONT=&quot]! xx
People always tell me I don't look pregnant and ask me if I'm worried that I'm not 'showing' yet. No, I am not worried lol. I'm enjoying being able to see my toes while I still can :D. Although one day I'm convinced I'll wake up and my feet will have gone!

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Half the time hun those with huge bumps have huge babies so enjoy the fact your baby will be normal size i was small with my son and i too got bump envy and in the end i was glad because he was a tiny little treasure to me at 6lb 10oz x

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My sister was tiny untill in her last final month her bump went bigger.

It's a good thing because you can still wear your clothers & lovely clothers :)

With a lot of people & i reckon i am one of these people - they carry a lot of water - you could be just all baby & less water ;)

I get told I'm small all the time, but at the 20 week scan and my 24 week midwife appointment I was told all measurements were perfect so I'm not worried. To be honest I'd rather be compact and as yet I don't have any stretchmarks :) xxx
With my first pregnancy I had a nice neat bump until the last month when it just became enormous! This time it's still very neat, all tight and out front but it's huge!! People are genuinely shocked when I tell them i've got 3 months to go yet! I think it's because i'm not that tall and I lost a lot of weight in the beginning with all the sickness, so the only way my bump can go is outwards!!
i feel huge yet people at work say i dnt look like im 28 weeks pregnant and im measuring bang on target aswell x
Yep me too!!! When I was pg with my son the dr thought I said I was 14 wks pregnant not 40wks the shock on his face was hilarious!!! I am small Compared to oh's cousin who is 4 wks ahead of me but she has big babies!! She told me she wishes she carried like me!!!
Yeah I'm not worried about it, and in fact am glad I'm looking fairly small, but it's just funny how everyone seems to think I look small for 23 weeks when I don't really think I do! But then I don't have anyone to compare to so don't really know. Happy to hold off on the stretchmarks that's for sure!!!

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