who else is overdue?

Hi girls.....I'm nearly ready to join u! Had MW appointment today and she reckons LO is gonna be over 8lb and that he will take his time getting into position to make an appearance!..........I'm not holding out much hope for birth any time soon!

I feel the same about induction but feel that the dr's may push for it saying it's more of a risk for LO......if they monitor u daily tho they could pick this up and start induction asap tho right? xx
They can decide to induce you for any reason. I was getting growth scans for my 1st coz they thought she was small, as my bump was small, at one of the scans her heart stopped (or appeared to on the monitor) & because of the growth thing they induced me right there & then, totally wasn't expecting it.

That must have been mega scary littlemiss! But at least they got her out and she was ok! R u gonna accept induction as soon as they offer it (if u get that far this time) or are u gonna ask to wait? xx
I'm not sure, i'm gonna wait and see what my options are, if they say I have the choice then i'll hold out as long as I can, if they say I should get induced for baby's health then i'll do it. I really wanna know what it feels like to go into labour naturally, feel like i've missed out on alot with that.

How is everyone doing today? Any signs.

Nothing for me again

I'm also overdue, my due date was last Saturday. I started labour on Tuesday, was getting proper contractions for over 12 hours, then got sent home from hospital because it was still "early labour" and was given strong pain killers which put me to sleep, only to wake up and the contractions stopped lol. I had an appointment yesterday to get a sweep which was fine (was my first one) and the midwife told me that im already at least 3cm dialated!! So goodness only knows when the labour will start back again. Since my sweep i keep getting a lot of pressure in the lower part of my bump (kinda feels like a water balloon ready to pop) so will see what happens. Meant to get another sweep on monday... hopefully he will arrive before then :D

Has anyone else experienced going into labour and then it stopping even though you have started to dialate? This is my first baby so this is all new to me
No new signs for me today, just the usual BH, period pains, etc!

Sorry rachy, this is my first so I don't have any experience of this but my friend went into labour on a sunday night was in hospital all day the next day but no progress therefore went home.........she had the baby early hours of thursday morning! So am sure that now things have started for u LO will be here within a few days! All the best xx
I dont think your in established labour untill you dilate more than 2cm - duno if thats right or not. But pains are good coz it means something is happening!!

Nothing happening here tonight!!

Where's all the rest of the ladies? The thread is very quiet, wonder if anyone's away having their baby?!

Not me anyway! Lol
Had attempted sweep on Friday but after nearly two weeks of aches & pains she was unable to do a sweep as my cervix hasn't remotely started getting ready for labour :'-(
Got another sweep booked for Monday sometime and I'm booked in next Friday for induction.........so we'll see
No babies being had here!! Feeling sorry for myself now :cry: Keep getting upset about the thought of being induced. It doesn't help that DH is in work again leaving me at home alone again so I can dwell on the thought of a hospital visit. I wish he was here to take my mind off it. Sorry for moaning! x
Oh thats kinda good in a way tinks - at least you can say this is your last Sat night w/out a baby/or at least you'll be in hosp having baby!

Good luck for your sweep - i've one booked for Tues & also get an induction date.

No babies being had here!! Feeling sorry for myself now :cry: Keep getting upset about the thought of being induced. It doesn't help that DH is in work again leaving me at home alone again so I can dwell on the thought of a hospital visit. I wish he was here to take my mind off it. Sorry for moaning! x

I'm have the same problem with being induced, I keep getting very emotional & hormonal but keep trying to tell myself it's almost a week away so plenty of time for her to come on her own. I have no idea why I'm so worried about it as I don't even know anyone who's been induced do maybe it's just the control thing.

Went for a nice doggie walk this morning and am going to have a soothing bath for my back ache before bed......tomorrow is a new day after all lol x
I also had an attempted sweep on friday but my cervix is soft but closed... she said im probably not ready yet and im booked to have another attempt at a sweep on wednesday. ive had some cramps today but nothing happening here.

it felt like she was scratching my cervix with her nail it was sore! why we put ourselves through this i dont know, our babies will come out eventually!
Still nothing for me - did a massive walk yesterday and might go on another today. getting occasional period type pains. I spoke to the midwife about induction and she said that they put a stick up with hormones on the end which encourages the cervix to ripen. This method sounds ok and as long as the baby is happy they will try this a few times before resorting to the drip. I do not want the drip!
A little update from me,.. It seems that I have gone into pre-labour. The good news is that this means that I have most likely avoided chemical induction :), the bad news is that I now have painful contractions every 8min to half hour night and day and that this fun stage can last for a few more days...
Can't complain too much though, at least it's progress. Now if I could only get some sleep.
Hi ladies, I am overdue too. Midwife was round today to attempt a sweep but my cervix was still way back so she couldn't even reach it. I am now booked in for an induction on Saturday. She said there is no point in trying another sweep but that hopefully I'll go into labour myself before the weekend. I am not sure how to feel really. In a way its exciting to know that by a week tomorrow at least, I should have my little one! All the females in my family have ended up with c sections as their cervixes wouldn't dilate but theres no way to know if the same will happen to me. I am really nervous about being in hospital on a ward with others and just want to be in and out as quickly as possible. I have started to get a bit emotional and I'm feeling sorry for myself because the heartburn is killing me and every time baby moves I wince in pain! I feel for all us ladies and hope we can have our babies naturally soon! xxx
How's everyone this morning?

Alexandra84 - This is defo good :yay: :yay: Make sure you keep us updated!!

Cupcake78 - I know its hard but try & focus on the fact that there will be an end to all this by next w/end & you'll be hopefully cuddling your baby by this time next week!!

Nothing excitng for me to report this morning

V exciting Alexandra84.......hope all progresses smoothly and that u can try and get some sleep!

Cupckake78 can sympthise with u hunny.....it is so hard not to worry but try to focus past all the hospital stuff when u will be home with your gorgeous little baby! Whatever happens u will get thru it hun and I am sure it will all seem worth it! xx
Still nothing for me - did a massive walk yesterday and might go on another today. getting occasional period type pains. I spoke to the midwife about induction and she said that they put a stick up with hormones on the end which encourages the cervix to ripen. This method sounds ok and as long as the baby is happy they will try this a few times before resorting to the drip. I do not want the drip!

Fx u get going before the hormones are needed hun.........but like u say it doesn't sound as scary as the drip!.........I did read tho that if u r gonna have the drip they can site an epidural 1st as u r more likely to need it and therefore u can get quick pain relief as soon as needed.......sounds like they can put the epidural in and then start the drip after! Hope it doesn't come to that for all of us tho! xxx
Now I think back i'm sure when I was induced the drip & the epidural were coming out the same tube thing in my hand, i remember them saying, thats for the epidural. But I also remember having tubes coming out my back...who knows


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