who doesnt.....

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Still have a bump?

I feel a little sad i dont have a bump yet, im not skinny i wear a size 12 at the momentand i really want a lil bump, i feel envious of evryones bump...anyone else in the same boat as me??
I didn't get a bump until I was about 19 weeks pregnant and then it just popped. Now I look as though I'm about to drop.
I can't tell if mines fat or bump lol.
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sorry im not - i had one quite early on but just wanted to say dont worry hun it will come soon!

And after a few weeks of lugging it around youll be thankfull you had some more time without one at first because it really knackers you out! chin up xxx
I'm at that stage where I just look fat, not pregnant yet. In hoping that will change over the next few weeks x
Mines massive! Lol think it may be cos ive lost weight while pregnant through sickness x
i think i just look fat with a belly that smiles each time i sit down lol i want the bump to take over the fattyness of my belly lol
Aww mines rather large (very uncomforatbale sometimes) but with my first i didnt show till at least 25 weeks and even then i was only small... Dont worry you'Ll wake up one day, look down and wonder where the huge bump came from :D
Mine has only just been definite bump rather than just looking like fat over the last week or so.
I probably wont for ages :( I'm still all flabby after my last x
mine quite showing a bit now so rush it till it comes out no where.
I haven't got one either - I keep thinking I'm having a phantom pregnancy he he!
Im still deciding weather mine is fat or bump! its my second baby. i have pictures in Tri 1 bumpy pics! either way its not going to get smaller so i just call it my Bump :)
mine went from fat stage to bump at around 17/18 weeks. still just looks fat when i lay down though.
i never had a "bump" till around 20 weeks even then it sort of looked chubby only this week and last its more bump like.. Dnt worry it will soon be there hun xx
I do hope so, I don't look pregnant n noone gives me seat on the train :'( my back aches from standing up the whole 1hour journey :'(
I hope it pops soon lol even my dad asked y my belly isn't out lol that was embarrassing, my answer was.. because I'm fat dad
awww dnt worry its still early- Ive got a bump and no1 gave me a seat on the bus a couple of days ago-One woman did get up to give a 6 year old the seat ha:roll:
oh no!
I was really looking forward to getting my bump, but it is my first pregnancy, and at 13+ weeks it now looks like i'll be waiting for months!!:eh:

I feel firm below my belly button though, and i can see that i have grown a little, my boyfriend thinks so too. Jumpers are hiding it from anyone else though...
if u poke my belly its not hard but quite flabby so it'll go right in lol

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