Whinging constantly... can't cope!

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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I don't know what is wrong with Brooke. Earlier on in the week she had a sickness bug and was genuinely poorly. She's been fine for the last 3 days but has been whinging, whining, moaning and groaning CONSTANTLY. My hubby and I are on the edge. I don't know what's wrong with her. She is just so unsettled and grumpy.

At first I thought she was chancing her luck as my hubby (who also had the bug) has been off more or less all week, so I didn't know if it was a case of "one of you give me attention ALL THE TIME". But it is honestly, constant and getting to the point of us wanting to scream.

She is not happy for more than 1 minute at a time. You put her down and she is fussing to be picked back up. When you hold her she wants to get down. It's impossible and I'm just really struggling with it this week.

Is this just a phase? I don't know if it could be teething as she is gnawing on her hand a bit and won't really let me feel her gums. We've given her bonjela and a touch of calpol earlier as she was really pissed off, but it doesn't seem to be helping. She is also off her food and has only really had a yoghurt and some fruit.

For the first time in nearly 8 months, every day this week I have looked forward to her bedtime just for a bit of peace. I know babies cry and fuss, but Brooke is usually so happy and content, I don't know what it is that's making her so unhappy this week. I'm not used to dealing with her like this and I feel bad for just wanting her to be quiet. She went to my Mums for the day yesterday and the break was lovely - I feel bad for thinking this though.

Don't really know what I want anyone to say. Just needed to get down that it's a tough week really. x
It doesn't help you, but maybe she's still feeling a bit under the weather and doesn't really know what to do with herself?
Does sound like she could be teething hun or still feeling poorly?

If it is teeth have you tried teething powders? xx

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Yes its just a phase!!!

Whatever is causing this...it will stop!

My LO would be very grumpy for a few days (id say 3/4) after being ill, even tho her symptoms had stopped, she still grumped for days. I also had the odd couple of days when she was "just grumpy" & its harder at your LO's age, coz they just kinda squirm around & dont know wether they want up/down ect. Its just because she doesn't know what to do with herself, I found when LO was like that I gave her the option of either my knee or the cot. Also, my LO used to get so tired after being ill, extra sleepy, maybe she's overtired? Their bodies are so small that they struggle to deal with colds/virus ect, it knocks them for 6.

Hope LO is better soon!
Thats so wierd, was just thinking that it was just a few weeks ago that my lo did the same (3 loooong days).

All the babies in our NCT group were the same, but they all stopped a few days later. God it was awful, would have seriously coped better with crying, I could do nothing right for her.

We had several theories (some silly)
a. full moon.
b. mummy's had their period
c. they did it cause they could get away with it, at lunch we all swapped babies and they were as good as gold.
d. frustration that they knew they were there own wee people but couldn't get around/articulate properly.

It made me feel a lot better knowing the other babies were the same as at the time I genuinly thought it was something I had done!

It WILL pass.
Thank you ladies. I appreciate the responses. It's just a tough week and I'm struggling a bit. Even hubby agreed it's the worst she's been since she was born.

Hopefully if it is teething, the tooth will cut soon and if she is just feeling under the weather then in another day or so she will be over it completely! Please God... x
No advice hun just wanted to send you a hug :hug: and hope it passes soon.xxx
Jen Will has started teething and for a few days a week the past 2 or 3 weeks this is exactly how he has been and also off his food! So could be the same for Brooke? Xx
Maybe if it is her teeth give her something cold like a life of apple or peeled raw carrot to gnaw on? Hope it passes quickly for you x
Poppy has the odd day where she's like this, but it usually does pass after a day. Does she have any teeth yet? It might be her first teeth coming through if she's been like that for a few days in a row. I'm sure it will pass soon enough and you'll have your happy girly back again. :hug:

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