Early morning waking...

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Not sure if this is just normal, but Brooke has started waking really early. She goes down between 7pm-8pm (depending on what time she has her last nap). She normally stirs about 4am for her dummy but would normally go back off until 6.30-7ish but in the last week she is wide awake again at 5-5.30am. I'm not sure if it is hunger, as in genuine hunger. I fed her early Monday morning at about 5.30am and she went back to sleep until 9.30am :shock: But then this morning I just got her out of the cot, gave her a cuddle and she fell back to sleep until 7.30am. I'm thinking if she was genuinely very hungry then she wouldn't go back to sleep for 2 hours.

She has started weaning now, a mix of everything at the mo as she can't decide whether she wants to feed herself or whether she wants me to do it :wall2:I don't mind to be honest as long as she's happy. I got her weighed yesterday and she is now 16lb 10oz, she has dropped a little bit but has still gained 11oz. I'm wondering if it's because she does need more solids or if it's just normal for her to be waking this early, i.e. it's just a phase or she's just being a baby?

Not sure if I should be offering her milk at this time as I'm worried it will then throw her off for the day with the rest of her feeds.

Any advice? x
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I don't have any advice Jen but this happened to a friend late on, she started offering milk and now her LO is still waking for it, months later!! Xx
Thanks Pos. I've been looking at one of my books this morning and could be cause she's still sleeping quite a bit in the day. Might try and keep her awake for longer stretches and try and cut nap times down a bit if poss - hate waking her if she needs it, but equally hate 5am!

How's Will? x
For some reason I was sure you're LO was older than Jack?! lol. I was going to ask if she sleeps alot during the day? Jack's a few months older but we've just started to stretch his awake time out because he was starting to think an 11pm bedtime was acceptable!

He now has an hour in the morning at 9-9.30am then we keep him awake until at least 1.30pm, 2pm if we can push him and then he'll sleep until 3-3.30pm and stay awake until bedtime at 7.30-8pm depending on how tired he gets. We don't limit the length of his naps and have never woken him but we've limited him to 2 naps. He has never slept through and still wakes for a feed in the early hours (he doesn't drink enough oz's during the day and never has done) but he will only wake for that feed at 1am-ish and then we won't hear from him again until 7-7.30am x
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For some reason I was sure you're LO was older than Jack?! lol. I was going to ask if she sleeps alot during the day? Jack's a few months older but we've just started to stretch his awake time out because he was starting to think an 11pm bedtime was acceptable!

He now has an hour in the morning at 9-9.30am then we keep him awake until at least 1.30pm, 2pm if we can push him and then he'll sleep until 3-3.30pm and stay awake until bedtime at 7.30-8pm depending on how tired he gets. We don't limit the length of his naps and have never woken him but we've limited him to 2 naps. He has never slept through and still wakes for a feed in the early hours (he doesn't drink enough oz's during the day and never has done) but he will only wake for that feed at 1am-ish and then we won't hear from him again until 7-7.30am x

She has a fair bit, sometimes 3+ hours but I think sometimes she needs it. She's a very active baby so I hate to wake her when she obviously needs the rest. Will see how we go the next few days. She was awake more or less from 2.15pm when I put her down at 7pm and she went off straight away and I haven't heard a peep yet. She's also eaten well - 22oz of milk, a big bowl of porridge for breakfast, carrot and swede for lunch and dinner and some banana and pear rice pudding - here's hoping we all sleep through 5am! x
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Hope she sleeps through for you! My Monkey is cutting his top teeth (I think) and woke up at 2.30pm after only an hour sleep this afternoon so I had to give him a nap late afternoon because there's no way he'd have stayed awake until 7.30ish for bedtime. He only slept from 4.45 until 5.15 but now he's still awake and going strong!! Bloomin teeth lol x
She didn't - 5.30am again! Tried to leave her but she wouldn't settle again so fed her at 6am and she went off until 7.30am so I guess if she wakes I'm gonna have to feed her to get her to go back off... little monkey! x
Have you thought about giving her a snack an hour before bed, lo used to do this alot so we give her cereal and now most nights she sleeps through till 7am x

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