which sex?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Who has found out or are finding out sex of bub? We have decided to keep it a secret. Hubby really wanted to know but after me nagging him about it being a bit more exciting not knowing he has come round to my way of thinking! :)
i found out with both of my pregnancies but me and hubby have said if i fall again then we wouldnt find out . . .. if i have enough will power that it hahaha!!
At the moment we're not planning to find out! This is our first baby and the first grandchild on both sides so making them all guess too, although absolutely everyone, even my friends two year old thinks bubs is a boy!!
I dont want to find out as we found out with Rosie, I sort of want the surprise of not knowing when baby is born - perhaps it will help to keep my focused in labour (hell yeah..) I might change my mind but I hope I dont!
We really want to know the sex of buba because im so excited i would never of known when i miscarried last time with the other baby so were really excited to know what were having :lol: x
i found out the sex of my bubs cause everyone wanted to know to buy presents bless them as its my first child :)
They wouldnt tell you when I was having my first but we found out the next two times :) I wanted a surprise this time but hubby wanted to know and I figured I'm going to be in charge of everything else so.......
At first it was just me who wanted to know the sex of the baby so I debated not knowing as well, but after he saw the first scan he really wants to know if its a girl or boy so we find out on the 1st March! Every one thinks it a girl, but I think thats mainly because they want me to have a girl!
i found out with my first and will hopefully ind out this time as well :):)
Husband wants to find out so we can decorate the nursery in pink or blue and get bits and pieces but I don't want o know. Found out with my second one and it seemed to make the pregnancy drag for me.
Think will let him find out as he is finally coming round to the idea of me having a home birth :) I am pretty sure we are on team blue again this time.
Im hoping to find out at my 2nd scan because with my 1st it was a suprise but eeveryone said i was havin a boy and prepared myself to start buyin boy stuff and she was a girl :) so this time i want to know so i can start buyin bits either blue or pink :) x
I don't want to find out but my OH and mother both want me to find out.mmmm we will see, I might change my mind as I already want to buy stuff and I keeping making people laugh when I say I'll buy bits for both sex so technically i can't miss out with having to many items.
im dying to know, ive got 4 girls already so i would really love a little boy to finish my family off xxxxxx
We found out this time but I'd like a suprise for number 2
Suprise, until a scan last Wednesday revealed boys bits :lol: we didn't ask doc to confirm what we seen, but are 99% sure! I don't think I will ask in the future either xx
i wannna know, anyone know what the earliest you can find out? its my first so excited....:)
I dont think I want to find out, my OH has come round to my way of thinking too as he has seen all the bits you can buy in unisex and I want the nursery to be Lemon colour anyway regardless. One thing I know for sure is its gonna be a disney baby!
I didn't want to know but now i can't wait to find out when i got for my next scan i changed my mind haha whooooops x
don't don't don't want to know!! Think my husband wants to know (just so he can start buying video games if its a boy, and counting how many young boys live on our street if it's a girl :rotfl:) but I've always said that the exciting moment of knowing who your baby is and seeing them for the first time is the best bit!!

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