Which milk?

COLIEF COLIEF COLIEF!!!!!! Magic in a bottle, i put one grumpy baby to bed and got out of the cot a new happy one!!!! It's amazing, £10 a bottle and its tiny like 5ml but so worth it, i got it on prescription!!!

Try it!!! :D
Aptamil is brilliant in my opinion. I have treid sma gold and C&G, just the normal ones and both of those have made him much more grizzly and the nappies :puke:

He's just a lot happier on the Aptamil (normal blue one) and the nappies are hardly different from when he was fully breastfed.


Alex xxx
Well i have bought a few cartons of aptimal (normal blue one) so i will try him on that tomorrow and switch if hes better on it.. i stupidly have a brand new tub of sma to use too! :wall:

Just out of interest has anyone changed TO SMA.. i'm getting the impression that not many babies seem to get on with it. i wonder why?

Claire x
It's just a case of not all milks suit all babies. I was wary about using it from the start but gave it a go and it's definitely what suited my LO best having tried that and a couple of C&G milks. When she was a newb and I was chatting to my HV about it (as my mum had said "oh no, not SMA!") she said the reason why you hear so many negative things about SMA is because it's probably one of the most widely recognised and widely available so people try it over others to start and end up switching because what suits one little 'un doesn't suit another.

Fingers crossed the aptamil helps hun :hug:
Well i bought some Aptimal normal milk (the cartons) to see if Ollie would like it and he was fine. However, his nappies are much runnier and a tad explosive. Should i now just stick with the SMA? I havent a clue about all this. I havent used the Aptamil for long enough to see if he is more comfortable afterwards but the nappy situation was concerning me a little.


Claire x
We started on SMA, changed to C&G (which is essentially the same as Aptimil) then changed back to SMA after about 6 wks. We changed back as C&G gave her the most horrendous poos, like water and explosive, about 4 times a day. She would poo during a feed and in the time it took me to stand up off the sofa it would be out of the nappy! :puke: We gave it a good amount of time and it got no better so we changed back and are still on SMA now.

They say to give it about 2-3 days for them to get used to a new milk before you make a decision, so I would give it a while longer if I was you.

We found that Ella was much happier on SMA the second time around, I was told that it is quite a rich formula and that therefore newborns can take a while to get used to it, hence the difficulty with pooing and tummy ache.
Thanks for your quick reply. My OH has gone to get a tub and we will use that and then make a decision. I never know if newborns poos should be runny. They were firming up on the SMA.

Claire x
My first son was fine on SMA! Never needed to change his milk!(though he did get constipated) But my second son wouldnt settle on SMA and was sick often! We changed to C&G and never looked back! Its all about trying different ones and finding what suits! Sometimes babies have runny poop anyways hun! Lola-Mae had a couple of very runny poops a couple of days ago and we hadnt changed her milk! Newborns poop should be pretty runny anyways! Like squirty mustard heehee
I know it was 9 years ago...but Tia was topped up with SMA at first and was terribly ill on it, so we moved to C&G and she was fine... we didn't use SMA again till she got ill at 9 months and then we used the SMA LF, which for Tia was fantastic... We were lucky enough to have it on prescription as its terribly expensive. :( I asked way back when what the difference was between C&G and SMA and was told it had to do with animal proteins and that C&G is apparently closer to bm, in the levels. Whether thats right or not I don't know :lol:

Explosive runny yellow poos are normal for newborns on booby juice so if your lo has similar on formula it must be better for him than previous milk
The truth is every baby is different and what may be fantastic for one might be awful for another.
Its going t be a bit of trial and error hun.
Also what flow teets does baby have?
Might be worth looking into changing that also hun as it may be to fast.

I had used SMA with my son but with Jaeda the SMA did not agree with her so she is now on C&G.

Hope you find one soon that suits baby hun.
Morganuk said:
Also what flow teets does baby have?

This was something else i was going to ask about. Ollie is still having the newborn teat but i do have the slow flow teats from 1 month in the cupboard. He takes his milk quite quickly so am i right in assuming he should stick with the Newborn ones for the time being (avent teats)?

Sounds like his poops are quite normal then as they are like runny mustard so we will stick with the aptimal for a week and see how we get on.

Thanks everyone and i hope you all had a lovely xmas,

Claire x
Mustardy, and a little runny sounds perfectly normal! You must give each milk atleast a weeks trial before turning your nose up at it. It takes atleast 7 days for everything to get in and out of their system!! When Corey was changed to Prescription only formula - Neocate it was two full weeks before we saw the full benifits of it!! 2-3 days is nothing.

And remember, aptimil and C&G is exactly the same stuff, ingredients are the same, the contense are the same!! Same shit different packet :lol: God only knows why/how some babies apparantly get on with one and not the other! I guess these little ones are sent to test us.

Hope the Aptimil works for you, in all honesty, no one can recommend you something, as every baby is different. Its whatever works for you, there all much of a muchness!!
CoreysMummy said:
Mustardy, and a little runny sounds perfectly normal!

Is it still normal with the very loud squelch! lol.. i've heard another one as im typing this.. time for a change with my nose held!

Claire x
nori said:
CoreysMummy said:
Mustardy, and a little runny sounds perfectly normal!

Is it still normal with the very loud squelch! lol.. i've heard another one as im typing this.. time for a change with my nose held!

Claire x

Oh god yes :lol:

The noises that come from my daughters bum.....she could rival a bloke!
CoreysMummy said:
And remember, aptimil and C&G is exactly the same stuff, ingredients are the same, the contense are the same!! Same sh*t different packet :lol: God only knows why/how some babies apparantly get on with one and not the other! I guess these little ones are sent to test us.

Its funny isnt it? And how Aptimil is more expensive?? :think: cheeky monkeys hahaha

Oooh yeh Lola-Mae is going to be so embarrassed when I tell her about her farting louder than her dad and pooping on everyone that holds her lmao!
I may be wrong but the way I see it is the more noise from the bum the better as it means its all coming out and working proper! Try not to worry!

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