which brand HPT (pregnancy test) did you use?

Want Baby number1

Active Member
Jan 27, 2009
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I bought Clearblue digital to test with (the ones that tell you aprox when you concieved aswell). I chose them as there the ones i heard most about and saw advertised on telly etc. Now i heard that there not too reliable, is that right? Has anyone tested with them and got a wrong answer or...? Im now hearing that first response is the best brand to use? x
Yes clearblue can be unreliable my friends friend did 1 and it told her she was 8 weeks when she went to the doctors she was actuall 14 weeks!

First response are really good i did one with my son who's not 3 it gave me a bfp within about a minute.
The old clear blue digitals are much better than the new ones that tell you how many weeks. That's what I got my +ve on and it was great to see 'pregnant' in bold letters....much more exciting than just a line!
With my boys i used first response, this time (which i lost due to EP) i used tesco own brand which were rubbish (did the job but took ages) and clueblue digital with conception whatsit, and it was spot on 2-3 which is 5 weeks.

Its personal preferece but ive never had a neg result that turned postive because of it being a bad test.
They all measure the same thing so in reality should work the same,

goodluck xx

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