Ovulating Kits


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Just wondering, how reliable are the test strips/digital ovulation kits?

Does anyone recommend the saliva tests which are advertised as well?

Are any of these worth their money and which brand is the best to use?

The reason why i ask is that i want to check i am ovulating properly. I never seem to have the time to check my temps so need a reliable tried and tested, easy to use method. Any advice would be helpful.

Regards Sheree
Hello...I have used two different brands of OPK.....Answer and Clear Blue Easy....I liked the Answer brand the best because I could actually tell the difference.....as for the Clear Blue Easy I didn't find it to be all that CLEAR. I am a day late for AF....took HPT and got a BFN, so I can't say that it helped any, but at least I could read the Answer brand and tell that I was actually O'ing.
I used the urine test same as a pregnancy test but detects the hormone present just before you ovulate. Then you have 24-36 hours before you do. There very cheep and 99.9% accurate. I boughts mine off ebay 'one call' but you can buy them from chemists etc. Best to buy 10 or so - 1 a day and maybe even start on the last day of your period.
I bought some on ebay, they are the same kind you get from your GP, and really cheap too.
I have used boots own brand ovulation sticks which you pee on which i found to be rubbish and the digital ones aren't very good either and more expensive. The clearblue ones were better and you can actually see the line get darker the more LH hormone you produce so I pounced on my husband earlier than we should! It worked however, but sadly didnt go on past 8 weeks. I havent tried the Answer product so i dont know about that. Hope that helps

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