Where is that bloody witch!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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So, I was due on 16th April and I'm still bloody waiting :( its been 8 bleedin days and I don't even feel like she's on her way.

I had some cramping at the beginning of last week up until around wed and then it stopped and I've had absolutely no symptoms since :(

Had some ewcm on thurs/ fri but I have had nothing but negatives on pg tests and opk's. If I had SOME symptoms and bfn then at least I would feel 'I could be . . ' but in the words of Whitney housten 'I have nothing' ha ha

It's so frustrating, I just want to hurry up and come on so that I feel like I can take action towards my bfp but right now im just stuck in limbo

Anyone experienced this and their bfp?

Any hope would be appreciated!

I know it's frustrating and I have been in your position, you just have to sit it out I'm afraid. I was almost 3 weeks late at one point and had to just wait, it's horrible x
No personal experience. Maybe you ovulated late this cycle which has caused a late period?
I'm 10 days late today, still no sight of AF, had a negative urine test this morning at the GP, i explained to her that i was late and she thinks it may be too early to get a BFP yet. I've got to go back in a week. You had any luck yet? I'm going to wait till Sunday and test again as i will be 14 days late then.

fingers crossed for you. xx
Thanks for reply girls!!! :)

Still no af and we are at cd44 :( since yesterday my boobs have been mega mega sore though but they don't feel any diff to when the witch comes I kind of just feel like I'm mid cycle and I had my period but forgot lol!

Princess, I could have just ov'd late it just seems so extreme to have ovulated more than 10 days late??? U stopped using opk's as I drink lots of fluids so my pee was never strong enough to pick it up!

Cosmic, it's so frustrating!! I never though I'd ever want to come on so much!!! Our bodies really like to torture us!!

Puds, Ill give it a few more days then go to the dOcs and see what they say,

Thanks for hearing me moan! Oh is getting so sick of me moaning to him!!!

Hey bushie!

I got my BFP 8 days late.

I tested 10, 12 & 14 dpo and got BFN, waited 8 days and BFP!

G'luck xxx
aww I cant imagine how frustrating this must be I havent had this yet, really hope its a good sign and your bfp is just around the corner xx

(( ))
Thanks Russell!

I must admit reading your posts gave me hope but im slowly losing it now :( 12 days late is crazy!!

I don't feel preggo though and I'm really starting to believe the bfn's

Hows you and mini Russell doing?

Thanks Russell!

I must admit reading your posts gave me hope but im slowly losing it now :( 12 days late is crazy!!

I don't feel preggo though and I'm really starting to believe the bfn's

Hows you and mini Russell doing?


Hmmm there must be some reason why you are late if you arent pregnant!? How frustrating for you :( Why dont you get bloods at the docs?

Yeah fine thanks not alot of symptoms, just sicky and an aversion from food esp chocolate :shock: lol.

I hope you get your BFP soon love :) xxx

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