Where Is She???


Active Member
May 16, 2011
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Sooo as usual the witch is playing games with me! 14 days late today but BFN :( i just wish she'd hurry up and show her face and stop playing silly games grrr lol! hope everyone is well :)
I'm so sorry she's playing games with you! Hope everything sorts out soon!

I'm the same I'm 12 days late today n still getting bfn, I phoned nurse on Monday n she told me to wait two weeks then test again, I know how you feel I'm so frustrated. Xx
iv got absolutely NOTHING happening right now! no sign of anything at all grr lol! i did a test yday and my OH was convinced there was something slight on there, so did one today using 1st pee and it was BFN! :( i hope you get your BFP!! xx
I'm getting cramps, hot flushes, sore lower back, headaches n peeing constantly but bfn. I'm going take nurses advice n wait till late next week to test again xx
im gonna give it another week and see what happens, if still nothing i'll test again. eeeek really hope you get your BFP *sending lots of baby dust* xxx
why oh why does she do this?!? it's so frustrating!! Wishingyou lots of luck!!

PS if you ever do a test where there is even a slight thought there might be a line, you MUST always post it hear, so all us line-spotters can have a good check!!
Hi newbee, any news yet huni, mu cousin told me this morning that her pregnancy with her 3rd child didnt show on a hpt and she had to have an internal scan, they saw the egg then and told her to wait another 3 weeks and they carried out a bloody test which came back positive, so I beleive theres still hope for us two yet xxx
Hi Newbee, have you had any news yet? I hope its a bfp for you fx x

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