Where does your baby sleep?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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When you put your baby to sleep for the night where do they sleep is it upstairs while you are down or are they with you.

I only ask cause when I try to put my LO to sleep around 8pm she doesn't settle and I don't know whether it's down to the TV noise or the living room lights on.

I don't know if I'm ready to leave her to sleep upstairs on her own.
My son sleeps downstairs when we are downstairs cause at first i couldnt bare to put him up there on his own, but now we want him to go to bed earlier than us he wont do it at all, he screams protests, blows and completely wakes himself up till he ends up coming downstairs or if it is late we have to go to bed and he ends up sleeping in our bed cause he wont go in his cot because he thinks we are going to leave him in there on his own again.

Ideally what i want him to do is go in his own room at a nice time at night so we can have some quiet time.

My advice is Keep the routine of putting her to bed at a certain time otherwise you will never get any time to yourself. Tv noise and lights wont help her to settle. Although Leif sleeps in our room with the tv on but silent.
Amber's bed time is 7pm and she is put to sleep in her cot for the night, we didnt get into this routine until about 4/5 weeks ago, before that it was whenever she fell asleep on us downstairs the carried her up.

It has really worked for us as we get that time to ourselves and now Amber gets herself to sleep.

Do things when you are ready....have you a dimmer switch in your lounge, we have ad found turning it down worked or even turn the light off just to try and get her to sleep.
amzhunny said:
Amber's bed time is 7pm and she is put to sleep in her cot for the night, we didnt get into this routine until about 4/5 weeks ago, before that it was whenever she fell asleep on us downstairs the carried her up.


Ditto. Ryan didnt really have a sleep pattern until a few weeks ago. Now he goes to bed 7:30 till 8am :cheer: I really thik a routine helps them, and lets us have some time off too
At 6wks Isaac wasn't in a 'routine' he would wake and sleep when he wanted, and generally he slept on us or on the sofa next to us, there was no way he would go to bed without myself and he wouldn't go in his moses basket :lol:

If your LO is obviously tired but not settling it may well be the noise or lighting etc, but usually it doesn't bother them so young :think: You could try putting them down in the bedroom, get yourself a monitor, see how it goes?

Isaac didn't do this until he was about 5months old, so I would certainly recommend you maybe try it sooner than later, but just do what's comfortable for you :hug: very best wishes :hug:
Maya sleeps upstairs in her crib, next to our bed. I breastfeed her in our bed before putting her in her crib, usually she doesn't wake up, but if she does, she puts herself back to sleep again by looking at her bumper/shucking her thumb.

She goes to sleep around 8, after having a bath, a massage and a feed. I think it will help if you stick to a routine (dimmed lights, quiet, maybe a bath before that) so that your LO knows it's bedtime. It may take a while but don't be discouraged, you will be rewarded with some time for yourself in the end! :)
Our little girl sleeps in her moses basket at the side of the bed. However, she yelps, grunts and snores so loudly that last night we had to move her into the front room as she was keeping us awake even though she was asleep!
we put melissa down in her cot in our bedroom at 7pm and she stays there until she wakes at 3 or 4am and i bring her to bed, latch her on my boob and we all fall asleep together. sometimes we bring her in our bed when we go to bed at 12am or 1ish

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