where does this go?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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wasnt sure where to write this
but after pains after having baby..
I keep getting belly ache as im still bleeding for about 2 weeks now how long shud this last for?
and noticed i started gettin backache when putting Tristan down almost felt like i was in labour again but with no contractions im so not used to pain although i am but after pains seems worse than having a baby :eh: lol.
How long will it take me to recover from having a baby from periods to back pain???
Oh also neone had the diamorphine injection in there leg if so how long did it take for the pain in the leg to go after having it cos i still have it after 2 weeks lol???
Oh and how long does it take until ur nipples stop leaking from pregnancy as mine havent stopped yet?? xx
hope someone can help lol xx
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2 half years later - 2 kids ...I still have back pain :( I blame the epi I had with my first, big regret.

Bleeding can go on irregularly for weeks on an off sadly.

Leaking varies with different women.

Leg injection - Sorry I have no idea.

I had bad back ache after ella which I was told was where they put my spinal in - typical really that I did the whole birth with not so much as a paracetamol, but had a spinal afterwards which left me in pain! Think it lasted a couple of months!

The bleeding went on fr about 6 weeks on and off I think!

And the leg injections hurt so much don't they! It's cos they go straight into the muscle!
leg is still prob hurting as they give injection in muscle but will settle down . It can take a while to get back to norm physically after having a baby but just take it easy and it'll all settle down every woman is different and recovers in their own time but if you are still worried speak to your midwife as you are under her care for first 28 days
i bled on and off for 9 weeks and i was cripled with back pain for about 5 weeks but i laboured in my back. I know it sounds grim but it will be a distant memory soon. Cramps i had for about 4-5 weeks on and off.

Dunno about the injection, sorry xx
Whats the thing in your leg? I don't recall having anything jabbed in my leg!

Its a pain relieving injection like pethidine :)
Oh dunno if I had that with Caitlin I was half asleep :lol: It was too late for anything with Meggy Pops!
i have back pain too after my epidural! i just have to be careful the way i sit and i'm ok, but can't slouch anymore :( which is probably a good thing! how many times can you have an epidural btw?

i had diamorphine scaredmum2be and i didn't feel any pain at all and haven't since. maybe you should book an appointment with your GP or ask your health visitor about it. could just be the way your body has reacted to it though so don't get yourself into a worry! :)

about the afterpains though i'm not too sure about, i didn't have any after pains but it just reeeeeeally stung when i wee'd (TMI) do maybe you should mention that to a various health professional too! as they say if you have any concerns to contact someone.

in regards to feeling back to normal i think it just takes time. i still feel quite knackered and a bit tender! i'm only 3 days before you though so i don't know how long it will last hehe.

hope this helps :D xxxxxx
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Got an appointment double for me and baby an the Diamorphine injection that they gave me if its in the muscle then it still bloody hurts its slowly going away but its still hurts an i cant put me leg up much lol.
im hoping the bleeding stops soon.
Oh an me stitches av properly healed :D still tender though.
hope who ever else has had there babys that are recovering well :) xx
good to hear your healing up well now hun and that you got an appointment! sure all will be fine :) xxxx

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