When would you test


Active Member
Dec 8, 2009
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Afternoon everyone

Ok, so i think i ovulated last monday (12th) according to OPK. So... i stupidly did a test on sunday, i knew it would be far far too early, and low and behold it was negative! i am so dissapointed though. I am day 27 of a 33 day cycle. I really feel like im out now. What do you guys think? am i still in with a chance and when would you test again?

thanks ladies, just cant get over feeling so negative now xx
you could of just tested early hun, i do the same. Little glimmer of hope that a line will aapear but we so know its probably a bit early but still gotta do it! U still got lots of hope...6 days :) so dont feel down, it could still be your month! Good luck x
It prob was far too early!! The earliest I've got a bfp was 2-3 days before af is due. Some ladies don't even get a positive until 5-6 weeks pregnant!! Your def not out yet Hun! Try to wait till af is due then test and goodluck x x
thanks girls. I will never test that early again, its too dissapointing. Im gonna just wait til my af is late and then test!!! i say that, but i know ill get curious! xx
The perils of impatience :)

I can understand why you feel so down about it, but you're still within a shot imo.

I'm not testing until Day1 of my next cycle.

I wonder sometimes whether in fact HPTs cause more stress than anything :lol:
know exactly how you feel I always test to early (I'm relieved to hear I'm not the only POAS addict) and I'm always let down, but some people don't get BFP until they are very late!
i have been looking at the tsets in my draw now and i only 'apparently' ovulated yesterday, but its not a gud idea to test early if anything test as late as possible as you will get amore acurate result if you get me xxx
:thanks:Ah girlies its good to know im not the only one who just loves to pee on a stick!!!

Well i am just gonna wait until af due,:coffee: if it arrives i know, if it doesnt, ill test. I agree LouiseB that the hpt does cause more stress!!!

I had a really really strange week last week, i was FULL of wind, which i am not usually, had nauseau and dizziness. But this week i am just getting the usual build up to af, so we will see! i am pretty sure its not my month, but heres hoping im wrong! good luck to all of you too. Babydust for everyone xx:dust:

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