When will my body get back to normal??


New Member
Feb 20, 2007
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Hello, this is my first time on line and i really need to share my story to see if any one else has gone through the same thing. I am a 34yr old who was on the pill for 10 years. i stopped taking the pill in july 06 and low and behold after skipping my oct 4th due date did a test on the 10th and it came up pregnant!!! i was so excited and went through the motions of going to see my gp who confirmed the pregnancy made my booking in appointment etc, anyway i had two eposides of light spotting
which would have been around the 5th week. was told not to worry that it was quite normal. When i went for my 12 week scan i was told i had miscarried that there had been a pregnancy but it had never developed very far. i was told there werent enough products to procced with a medical procedure and to just let nature take its course. now 2 and a half months later i still havent had a period and tests are still coming up positive!! I want to get pregnant but when will my body get back to normal???
Hi & Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Im very sorry to hear of your loss, to be honest im not sure about when your body will get back to normal so cant really help there but im sure some of the other can.

Jo x
Hi there Honey,

I am so so sorry to hear about your loss. Can I just ask, did you bleed at all after the scan? Have you had a natural miscarriage?
I would pop along to docs if not, just to say it is taking a while to evacuate...they maybe able to give ou some drug to kick it off.

How terrible that you have had to go through this for so long....it is hard to get over something that is still going on for you.

I don't know how long your body will hold on to your baby, I read it can take a few months...still, go to the doctors and explain your worries.

Good luck Aimie...I am thinking of you
:hug: :hug:
:wave: hello Aime,
So sorry for your loss :hug: I think a trip back to the doctors to get some blood work done might be a good idea, just to check the hormone levels are going down, this does seem to be taking a little time if your still getting BFP results,

I know for some ladies it can take more than a few months for their period to come back, but with the hormone levels you seem to have this might indicate you do need a D&C? only your GP will be able to advise at this stage, but try to book an apointment with him or your MW/family planning clinic soon :hug:

let us know how you get on sweetie, take care, lv Yvonne xx
Hi hun, Sorry for you loss, and as the others have said, i would def go back and see Gp or see if you can get into EPAU (early pregnancy assesment unit). My sister was told to wait and she ended up having all sorts of drugs and still she bled for 4 months. I on the other hand was given every option under the sun, but luckily only 2 days after my scan I went into a 'faux' labour and expelled evrything naturally.

If needs be don't be afraid to be firm with your GP it is not acceptable to just 'Leave' you like this, it's a very traumatic experience and they should be making it as stress free as possible for you.
Let us know how things go for you.

aine x
just to say thank you to all who answered my question. since i wrote i have since got my period and my hormones are back to normal. ( vistited gp who did blood tests) so i am back on track for trying again!!

thanks again
Glad things have settled, good luck with the ttc :hug: :hug: :hug:
hello hun im sorry i wasnt around but im glad things are now sorted and you look after yourself ok.

Take care :hug: :hug:

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