Don't you just love it when.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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...your LO makes someone's day! :love: I went for lunch with my folks this afternoon and there was a little old couple sitting at the next table. Of course Ross turns on his charm as per usual and within minutes they are gooing at him and asking all sorts of questions. Turns out it was the husbands 86th birthday and by the sounds of it all the family had 'forgotten'. Just as we were leaving she said he had made her day and what a gorgeous little boy I had :love: We can't seem to go anywhere but Ross charms anyone and everyone that'll look his way. Very proud of my wee man!!
:cloud9: How sweet!

Once my Caitlin kept a whole waiting room entertained - everyones appointments were an hour delayed and she just sat and giggled the whole hour with everyone around her amazed and laughing with her.
That's nice and it does make you feel very proud when you get nice comments, your Ross looks so charming so i can see why!! We have 4 kids and sometimes people turn there noses up at us but we do get some nice one stopping us in the street telling us what lovely kids we have and how lucky we are, that just brightens up my day, x
Aw that's so lovely!!!

Got to admit it's so lovely to hear other people saying lovely things about your children. I often have people say how amazed they are at how good DD is and how polite etc and how good a baby Sebastian is and how gorgeous!

So glad your handsome man made their day! How awful their family had forgotten!!!!
Awww that's lovely.

Looking at you're avatar pic though he looks like a little charmer :love:
Bless him - love my lo she smiles at everyone - and there faces light up x
Thanks Pixie! Yeah Evajo, I think they do it half the time when we're not looking, I wonder why people are gooing in my direction and I realise the wee man's been at it again!
aww a childs smile can make anyones day. Ur LO is a little charmer, you can see that by his pics :)

yay for our gorgeous LO's

Kylie & Baby Jack xxx

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