When to tell people you're expecting?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
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We found out really on at 5+3. I've told a few close friends (mainly because if I'd had to keep it between my partner and I, I would have exploded!!). We've also told my partner's mum, as neither of us drive so we need someone to take us to the hospital for our scan next week, and with my dad being a lot older, I didn't want to risk the effect it'd have on him if the worst happened.

I know once I'm passed 12 weeks my partner will want to start telling everyone, and that was our plan. But the closer it gets, the more I find myself getting scared of telling people! Right now it's (minus a few other people) 'our little secret'. I know our friends and family will be over the moon for us, especially as we were TTC, but it feels so weird that we'll soon be telling people, when for two months it will have been just us.

When did you start telling people? Or if you haven't yet, when do you plan on telling people? Am I being ridiculous? Of course I can't wait to have a baby and I can't wait for people to know, but there's just a part of me that is like 'ahhhhhhh'!
I felt the same! Wanted to stay in my bubble with my hubby! We told people at 15 weeks and kept off facebook entirely...now 37+4 and still it's not on FB! I think it's all personal! X
We've only told a select few and I'm nearly 16weeks but we have had complications. With DS I told most people at 15-16 weeks too. I never announced it on FB, not my thing. There was a few pics of me put on at about 39 weeks but that was it.

We didn't tell a sole until I was 8 weeks and only told our parents as I had to tell my boss due to needing quite a lot of time off for appointments. Funny really that my boss was the first to know!

I loved being in our bubble with our little secret.

We will be telling people after our 12 week scan which I'm hoping will be either the week before or the week after we are 12 weeks as we have a ball the following week and people will wonder why I'm not drinking.

Only hubs' parents know at the moment so once we have the scan we will be telling the rest of the family then close friends before announcing it to everyone else.

Becky, my boss was the first to know aswell! I needed time off for midwife appointment. Hubs' boss was next as our private scan got changed at the last minute and he needed time off too. After our private scan at 8 weeks we told hubs' parents.
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I am also waiting until the 12 week scan before I tell anyone
I have told 3 of my close friends and mum that's it's husbands family do
not know yet lol
I told people after first week scan which was on Monday, still have some relatives, friends to tell, but all the important people know now. I told my boss at 7 weeks as needed time off for an early scan. It is personal choice though, but I liked it being mine and OH little secret. x
We're holding off until after our 12 week scan. We've told our parents and brothers & sisters, which was a very shocked reaction with this baby being number 5, but not their baby, do they can all be as shocked as they want lol.

We're not telling the kids until after the scan, and then other ppl I suppose will just find out. I am enjoying people not knowing though as the comments a lot of people make are totally uncalled for x
Our rule is we tell people who we would talk to anyway if anything went wrong. So far a handful of close family and friends know. I am trying to keep it a secret from work til I break up for the summer hols (10th July!) so I can then tell my head after my 12 week scan which will be in the middle of the holidays. They might guess anyway as I'm sick as a dog all day! I think it's all very personal preference.
Everyone at work knows due to me going through ivf. Wanted support just in case anything went wrong. Parents knoe on both sides told them when i got the news. Close friends and some family know as well. Not put anything on fb yet not sure i will until a lot later. Trying to tell people in person as well. Lots of people know we were going through ivfv so were asking how things had gone.
Told family at 5 weeks
If the worst happens theyd wanna know anyway
And told my manager then too due to nature of my work
Told rest of work about 12 weeks or so due to being off with sickness so much
Then told facebook friends at 21 weeks just so it wasn't a complete surprise as I'll probably spam them with his pics when he arrives lol
Interesting to see different thoughts on when and when not to tell people!

I almost told my dad today, as I thought it'd be quite a nice Father's Day surprise... but with my 1st scan on Wednesday and my paranoid mind making me worry about a MMC, I thought it's better to wait until we know everything is OK!

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