when to start trying again


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
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as you can see from my ticker im 6 days from ovulation!!
last month we started trying couple day before ovulation and after
just incase i dont ovulation on day 14ish when should i have a good crack at trying?
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On the months I conceived, I started on CD6 and went till CD17 and CD8 - CD18 :)
Yep!!! Get cracking! We did it every other day with my last one and every day this time :)
well your plan def worked so i will give it a go!!! :dance:
funny how this time we are planning it and it aint happened yet :roll:
the other 2 came along very quick but we didnt plan them
I'm not very experienced at this but we just did it as much as possible and hoped that one of the occasions would land on my ovulation....it worked first time! :)
really pleased for you tiny:) that what happened with my other 2 they came without even trying!!
but this time round its taken longer for some reason? prob because we want it more than ever
Maybe baby number 3 is going to be late for everything! :lol: At least he/she will have 2 older siblings to keep him/her in line!

I'm sure you'll get there, I have read some people who think that stress makes it harder to conceive, so in a way the more worked up you get about it the less likely it is to happen, no idea if that's true though! good luck and lots of baby dust for you!:dust:

I hope you get pregnant soon! :preg:

Great question! :wave: I'll bear this one in mind for next year...and good luck with the :bd::bedjump:
thanks girls!! we are giving it our best try :dance:
whos know we may have a lovely christmas announcement to make :)

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