When to Pack?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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I imagine this has been asked loads of times before and I know there are lots of threads about what to pack for hospital bag but WHEN should I be packing???
My pregnancy book says I should be doing it around now, what do you ladies think? when did you have your bags ready? and also when did you start going around with them in the car?
I was abit late and started at 35 weeks and I still haven't finished!! I've heard any time after 30/32 weeks is a good time!
I'm later due than you Frankie, but I made a start this weekend, as I had started really wanting the peace of mind that I had the starts of a bag. I did a small one for both of us just for the section as they like you to just have a little one , and then another slightly bigger one for more stuff for later for OH to get from the car when baby born. They both feel quite empty actually so may post up my list to see if I missed anything.

I then realised I hadn't washed any baby stuff as was waiting till I finished work! , and I won't have a feeding bra till later on incase of growth.

Feels lovely to have them there tho, maybee you and OH could do it together when he comes home, (I thought he was home soon for a bit then gone when baby due? ) so he feels more involved in the first outfit etc and your due date stuff

Also doing them now, makes you realise bits you still need to get and you can mark them off our list as missing or needed still and work on it. OH wouldn't have a clue what to bring me even after 3 babies , so nice to have nearly done it
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I packed mine at about 30 weeks, it was only very basic but just had that reassurance that if anything happened we had the basics. I have refined it this weekend...well actually putting in things for me rather than just baby! lol!

Get packing!
I've completely finished packing for the baby, and half way there packing for me! Mainly because it can happen at any time, gives me peace of mind to be able to just run out the door if I need to. X
I'm later due than you Frankie, but I made a start this weekend, as I had started really wanting the peace of mind that I had the starts of a bag. I did a small one for both of us just for the section as they like you to just have a little one , and then another slightly bigger one for more stuff for later for OH to get from the car when baby born. They both feel quite empty actually so may post up my list to see if I missed anything.

I then realised I hadn't washed any baby stuff as was waiting till I finished work! , and I won't have a feeding bra till later on incase of growth.

Feels lovely to have them there tho, maybee you and OH could do it together when he comes home, (I thought he was home soon for a bit then gone when baby due? ) so he feels more involved in the first outfit etc and your due date stuff

Also doing them now, makes you realise bits you still need to get and you can mark them off our list as missing or needed still and work on it. OH wouldn't have a clue what to bring me even after 3 babies , so nice to have nearly done it

JJmum what do you mean about a small bag for a section?
i packed mine about 33weeks wasnt untill i used i reaslised i didnt acutully need or use 90% of stuff in it lol
I packed mine last weekend only because I had a scare and ended up in hospital. I probably would have left it for a couple more weeks otherwise - I'm convinced this baby is going to come late though :lol:

I only live about 5-10 mins from the hospital so don't plan on driving around with them in the car
I have done baby's bag and mine is ready to go just need to find a bag to put it in the rucksack has gone missing! if all else fails I will end up with a carrier bag if I don't get it done as the weeks are flying by now
After being in hospital last week and being told that they may need to deliver baby any time soon I'm packing my bag today. It was a bit stressful giving OH a list of things to get for me and with all the stress I forgot to tell him to bring some of the basic stuff!! So I'm now being organised and having a bag ready packed with stuff, and then will have extra pj's and clothes ready at home for him to bring as needed.
I'm not planning on packing a bag for the baby yet though as if he is born in the next 2-6 weeks he won't fit into anything I have and he'll be in the special care unit, will just take a little teddy and blanket.
No harm in getting stuff organised Frankie - if you did for any reason need to go into hospital it will be one less thing to worry about.
Great girls you have been so organised...I need to pack when I am 35 weeks..seems I have to do that soon
Its all the scares and signs that you lot have had that has made me pack! really anytime after 24 weeks anything can happen, so i guess packing a bag sooner rather than later is a good thing, gonna pick up my last little bits when i next get paid! By the way - primark have button up nighties at the moment! x
My bag is mostly packed and baby's bag is almost there too. Will be done by the end of this week when my Mum comes up with all the babies clothes that she has washed - she loves washing so I couldn't deny her the pleasure of hanging out tiny baby suits!
I left it too late when I was expecting my son and ended up in the hospital with pre-eclampsia at 37 weeks. I only when to have my BP checked and then wasn't allowed home any more. So my OH had to pack the bag from a list I made him. All the clothes that he packed for me where really tight even before the pregnancy so no chance I could get them on after just having a baby... :roll: So he did have to make a few trips to get all that I needed.

I will pack mine next weekend (although I have been saying that for a few weeks now).
ive had mine packed since 24 weeks when they told me the baby was getting delivered anytime between then and due date and im still hanging on at 32 weeks xx
Thanks for all the replies girls, I have been making lists from the other posts for a little while and have bought quite a few of the bits I need.
Last day at work on tuesday and think I will use that rucksack for my stuff and its my birthday on wednesday and I asked for a nice changing bag from hubby (even told him the link to the one I wanted:) ) which I think I will use for baby's stuff (if it fits) so maybe we will do the baby's bag together next weekend when he is finally back home (well remembered JJMum!!!)
Think it will all start feeling a bit more real once bags are packed :)
I have had some form of bag packed since about 24 weeks, I unpacked them all the other day and repacked them again. It's about all the nesting that I can do with my back how it is unfortuntaley. I had babies bag filled with 0-3 months clothes but as I'm looking at going in at 38 weeks for induction, I re-packed it with newborn clothes instead. :D Her bag is completely done now, mine is done, I just add the odd thing every now and again. Put the camera and batteries in yesterday and just got to re-organise my Ipod now :D W00t!

My bag wasn't packed until about 38 weeks, then I had a chance to properly re pack since I was so far overdue. Turns out my bag stayed in the car for the first 6 hours being induced, then OH got them into the ward and I was moved down to the labour ward a couple of hours later minus everything, even the camera! One of the nurses kindly got them for us afterr bubs made an appearance and I went for a shower. I hardly used anything, just a change of clothes and my toiletries. Oh and the food and drink bag was most important! The only one that came in with us and got used!! I'm sure it's a very different story for anyone staying in any longer.
Blimey ladies you put me all to shame, maybe something i should think about this weekend.
Will have to look up a list to think of things, NCT class we where given a list too. Just nice to look at a couple of list so got ideas from them all and make one that suits us i guess.

You have all scared me now, LOL.

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