When to pack hospital bag?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So whens a good time to start packing my hospital bag was going to start packing it around 35 weeks what you guys think ? x
I did mine at 36 weeks, just in case!
I'm 35 weeks now and I started a week ago becuase we had just bought lots of stuff and thought I might as well. I have been told to have it in the car just incase as I'm having an ECV next week, so will have it fully completed at 36 wks!
Tbh, otherwise I prob wouldn't have bothered until about 38 wks... Sods law and all that. If I didnt pack the bag, the baby might actually come on time?!
My friend told me that she was told by her MW to have it done by 36 weeks. Suppose once it's done it's out of sight, out of mind :) x
yeah exactly plus it means you can look through it and see what you have and what you still need 2 get. i think if i packed mine just now i would end up adding something into it every week and it would end up massive and really heavy lol
im gonna start buy little things i need for it and then by 34 weeks im planning on starting to pack it! :D
I'm off out shoppping this weekend to start buying bits and bobs, i'm suprised i didn't have it ready as soon as I found out I was pregnant! I'm usually way to organised!!
haha i have everything i need i think just need 2 buy shampoo etc. i got nice new pjs the other day and a nice new housecoat and some dark towels and some nice new underwear for after the labour x
I did mine last night at 36 weeks exactly... I think I paniced and have just been out and got the last few bits I needed, I was going to wait until next week to get the last bits but have stuck them on the credit card instead...
MW did ask me if I had got the bags sorted on Tuesday... everything has been piled on top of it for a bit
thats the best way least you no your organised now and anything you forgot you can put in at last minute. im going to start mine soon its just getting round to it im sooo lazy lol

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