When to have everything bought and ready!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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My OH and I have been discussing what is the latest time we want to have all the essential items bought. Think I would feel better having everything ready by 7 months just incase! I'm starting to look at pushchairs now and want to buy one soon. What does everyone think? :think:
From experience of having an early bubs, I would say by 6-7 months have everything ready. I didn't at 34 weeks and it was a mad dash with everyone else buying for us to get the pushchair and stuff
Well i'm off to get my pram tonight, well my dad's buying it and then i'm getting the rest of my stuff (well the majority of it) on Thursday when i get paid. A month's wages gone just like that!! :cry:
That's what I'm thinking, if baby makes an early entrance I would hate not to be prepared, can do without the worry! And I don't want others having to go and buy things.
Not going pram shopping now, my dads been taken into hospital :?
Hope your dad is ok Vicki!! :hug:

We have the majority of things bought now, the biggest thing yet to get is the moses basket and the cot set up (my aunty is giving it to us.) But we cant set it up yet anyhow as we have nowhere to live!!

Got a few more bits to get for my hozzie bag too.
Thanks girls, yeah he's ok got out last night, having some trouble with his kidneys.

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