When should I start maternity leave?

i was planning on working up to my due date, but gosh im so tired and my job is easy (im office based so sit about most of the day) but for the walking about i actually do baby is making alittle uncomfortable depending on how he lies, at the moment he is in full throttle putting all pressure on my bladder making me feel full and constantly deperate for the toilet. My nights are becoming sleepless and tbh im not nice to be around when im tired lol.

So i changed my Mat leave to start 2weeks before my due date... the 21st november, but i also have two weeks annual leave left so my last day is Friday the 4th November. Ill be 35+4

I cant wait, ill be able to do my walking and gentle exercises throughout the day when my energy levels are higher and rest when i feel the need to... plus finish his nursery and decorate my bedroom before he arrives :)

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I am terrible i change my mind daily about my maternity leave, depending how i feel at the time. I work 12 hour nights in a tiring, active job. I dont always have access to a toilet which i am already struggling with. But my dilema is i have two weeks holidays to take which i wanted to have straight before my maternity but i am not allowed holidays between 13th december and 4th january. So i cant have one month maternity plus my holidays, i would have to have nearly seven weeks maternity then my holidays before 13th of dec but dont really want to take that much maternity leave. But i also not sure i will last right through until jan. Its all abit hard work i might just have to go on maternity about 23rd december and take my holidays between now and november. (If there is any free days left with no-one else off which is another issue). I wish we could just decide on the day we have had enough lol
I'm working until 37 weeks, then I get more time off with the baby. Also I am a receptionist so I can sit all day, and work close to home. You never know I might stay until the week before.
I had intended to work right to 38 weeks but as it's twins I'm knackered now so finishing mid November. I think it works out at 30 weeks. Earlier than I would have liked but then I have no intention of going back to the same company anyway.
Im working till the day Im due Im self employed and office based so no reason not too other than if medically I cant want to have my 3 months off after bubs comes
lol i wish i could stop now if the money wasnt affected :)
i finish on 30th nov and use 13days annual leave then my mat kicks in from 20dec. i am out on the road and dont fancy giving birth on the m6 on my own in the snow :) plus i am a calamity so likely to fall over if it is frosty so the best place for me will be snuggled up at home with the odd dog walk. I deliberately kept my hols so i could finish earlier otherwise you go on SMP which i couldnt afford to do - gives me longer next year with bubs...

good luck deciding!!
I'm a primary school teacher and currently work approx 55 hour weeks. I really want to finish at 38 weeks but am now wondering if I'm being wildly optimistic looking at what everyone else has written!! In fairness, for my 37th week the boss has said she'll take me out of class so I can sit at a desk and write the kids reports. But I really need the time after baby is born, and was sort of hoping it would be a couple of weeks late so I would in reality end up with about a month off before. We plan to get the nursery and stuff done quite early before I get hugely fat and uncomfortable, and although I have a half hour commute it's quite a pleasant (if isolated!!) drive and it will be spring time so hopefully no snow. Not sure now if 38 weeks is a good idea....
Had my discussion today with the boss! :)

My maternity leave starts on 16th Jan but I'm using my remaining 9 days holiday before hand. So what with new years etc I now finish on the 30th of Dec! Can't wait! :)
Thank you so much for your imput girls it has really helped. I think I was probably overly worried and finishing too early. I only get SMP so if I can work a bit longer the money will come in handy and it will mean more time with baby afterwards. I don't have to finalise any decision for a while yet but maybe I will say 36 weeks.
:hug: xxx

Don't know about you ladies, but I CAN'T WAIT until mat leave starts lol.

I was wondering the same really not sure, the earliest i can go on mat leave is beg dec,

Not entitled to mat pay from employer as only work 8 hrs but am entitled to a yr off afterwards.

I need to let them know in 4 weeks.

Anyone got any suggestions?

I work in retail so stood all shift, dont work that far away but far enough to take its toll soon when im too big to drive.

Any help appreciated zxxx
How come everyone seems to be putting them in so early? i only put mine forward about a week ago... unless its because my company doesnt care lol


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