When i buy my 2 Boy rats


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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soon hopefully
Or i might wait till after i go France for xmas and new year its bad enough my sis has 2 feed my cat all that time i wuldnt make her feed Rats as well yet haha :p

well they are gonna have red neck names lmfao


I think i've choose Trigger and Pervis

what do u say 2 that eh eh eh

ive got 2 rescue rats atm. they were named by there previous owner....

bubble and squeek.

original lol

there agouti hooded and a silver fawn hoodie, both dumbo's

what variety are you thinking of getting?

i used to have 18 at one point, and have had most of the varieties lol
haha i dunno i'll just go 2 pets at home n choose 1s that r fit

well do be carefull, PAH usually dont tame there rats, so they end up very nervous. and ive known them to have mites from PAH too.

make sure there isnt no orangey discharge from there nose, that they arent scratching too much, and pick a couple which seem inquisitive.

rats need socialising from a young age, and unfortunately, pet shop rats rarely get that. and they usualy develop mycoplasma, a breathing problem, which is agrevated by the sawdust there usually kept on.

hope this helps :)
U kno ur rats well tbh
its either 2 boy rats or a siamese kitten and ive just found an amazing web site of breeders in my local area and im really excited haha
yeh, i read up alot into the care of them. they make such great pets.

have you had them before?

if you need to know anything feel free to ask, even if i dont know the answer, ill be able to research it :)

bucks (male rats) are lovely. they tend to be alot slower than females. and squisher, but there is always exceptions lol.

kittens kill things. i dont like that lol. unless you mean a siamese kitten rat, as thats what baby rats are called too.
oooh becks, why would you want rats, they have horrid tails lol..

nice names though :) :)
i love there tails, they are so thereputic (sp) used to spend ages just twiddling them :)
keslo66 said:
kittens kill things.

:shock: our kittens didn't kill things... We had a fly in our house once and out kitten at the time, now cat, Smeagol, just hid under the sofa and made his distaste at having a fly in the house known, by meowing loudly until we managed to kill it... Smeagol is afraid of his own shadow.. really,... Its funny as he scares himself...

Rats make good pets though... I personally wouldn't get one...I don't like rodents of any kind, including those rabbit creatures... They all seem to end up biting me...
sorry i should rephrase,

some kittens kill things.

my ex's grans cat mitzy (ok not kitten but heyho) used to hunt mice all the time, she was good at it too :(

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