What can i do about my neighbours?! Social services????

jo said:
I can't make this decision for you but how would you feel if something really bad happened to one of them?

Believe me i would feel really really bad, but she is never physically does anything to them in public i can only go off what i hear. She is verbally abusive to them all the time for all to hear.

Didn't hear a peep from them this morning... it's strange, they go through phases.

Fran i live next door to her, so i would be the one to hear her the most.
I understand where you're coming from Yvonne... I was thinking about i this morning and also came to the conclusion that one WOULD feel very fearful of such type of person! I'm not afraid to say my say, but I am aware of anyone that has too much gob on them.
If she is the psyco type - I'd stay clear of her, but like I said in my original post - get in touch with the school.

I understand your concerns with regards to how it may affect your family. Sadly, it's a reminder to us all, how we're living these days. We're all so scared of others' actions, therefor we keep ourselves to ourselves and turn a blind eye. We don't look out for others, incase we get drawn into something nasty and our direct family suffers as a result of us letting the cat out the bag! No one would blame you for not wanting to speak out!

I wish I could be of more help!

Emilia xx
Thanks Emilia.....

I feel very guilty about being scared to say something, but if you knew this woman like me then you would know why.
I was so annoyed last night by it and disgusted i was going to ring SS without a care.... but then and stopped and thought about what i was actually doing and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be the best thing to do.
Hense this post, i didn't know what the right thing to do was.

I'm going to see how it goes in the next week and if there is 1 more outbusrt like that or i see something that i really untoward then i will call them without a hesitation and if i can get some evidence then all the better.
sorry hun didnt realise you lived right next door to her..
maybe talking to the school is the best thing..they could talk to the kids and SS themselves..be less likely to think its her neighbours if she catches wind of it coming from the school!!
fran_23 said:
sorry hun didnt realise you lived right next door to her..
maybe talking to the school is the best thing..they could talk to the kids and SS themselves..be less likely to think its her neighbours if she catches wind of it coming from the school!!

I look after kids in my job and we have to keep a record of any suspicious behavior. I called social services once over a special needs child I was worried about.
I would call the school and let them handle it. Best option all round as the kids will get support at the school over it as well.
The thing is though the school finishes on friday for 6 weeks so would it make a difference?

How do i get their name etc, i only know the first name and that is only because of her shouting them so much!
Yeah I think it would make a difference, if you know both the childs name and the address the school would know who they are. Maybe the school already suspects something is going on and your confirmation might spur them into action.

If you are happy going to SS yourself then I would say go for it, but if you're not sure the next best thing would be to contact the school. They will have someone in charge of child protection, and they will take action if you don't want to.

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