When do you stop using a monitor?


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2012
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I just wondered really. Lucie is now 20 months and sleeps 7-6.30pm. We have a video monitor that we use although we can hear her if she gets out of bed or cries. When did everyone stop using theirs? At this rate I can see her starting school with it still being used lol :)
It's one of those things that every one is different and it's what you feel comfortable with really.

My LO is two and we still use the video monitor. I don't need to as such, cos our house is that small I can hear him if he's up and about or crying. But I like being able to see him with out having to necessarily go in to check on him.

We're having another baby in three weeks so I will be stopping using the monitor for my eldest when we start using it for the baby.
I stopped using our monitor about 5/6 months ago. The boy is loud and vocal enough to be heard now without it!
We don't use a monitor at all. My two are 3 years old and 17 months. During the summer if we want to go out in the garden in the evening, we will use the monitor in case they wake and need us, but if we're in the house we can hear them. TBH, we never really used ours much at all with either of them!

If I had a video monitor, I'd probably still be using that. I will check on them before I go to bed, but sometimes accidentally wake them up by creeping into their room!
We haven't used one since Rosie was about 1yr. More because ours broke! We soon realised we could hear her perfectly fine without it!! X
We use ours in the evening when he's up in bed cos we probably wouldn't hear him with the telly on, making dinner etc. obviously don't need it upstairs as he's just through the wall. I think we'll still use ours for a while yet. Lo is 21 months x
I don't use ours anymore either, we can hear Ruby if she wakes up and cries so don't really need it, she is 17 months x
When she goes to university! Lol!
2.5 and I still have her angel care on her single bed! I quite like it, peace of mind xx
Hahaha Gayle same here :D

...my son is just over 2.5 years and we've still got his anglecare one on his cot bed. We only took the sides off a couple of months ago, and we just left it there. When we're upstairs in bed we could probably hear him, but not if we're downstairs with the TV on.
My daughters 3 years 3months and We have just took it down a few weeks ago. It feels like my right arms been removed lol
Lol I started to think I was weird still using one at 22 months haha! Only in the evening but it's because when we are in the kitchen or in the back room it's harder to hear unless he's really upset and that just doesn't work with him, the quicker the better if he does wake up.. But like others have said it's quite personal.. Depends on whether you can hear it or not ect ect.. I just think you got to keep in mind that the cables become dangerous if not proper stashed away/put away with them plug things and they can get out of bed and reach it or under their mattress.. Don't see my little man doing that anytime soon.. I do like the angel care matt cause in that respect it would tell me he could've got out of bed too and we have no baby gate upstairs cause of it being awkward and there's no gates safe enough for it.. Probably still have the mat on even if I'd have a gate lol
We havent for about almost a year, but thats only because my house is fairly small and i could here him in any room upstairs or downstairs.
We have only recently stopped the angelcare sensor mat, i loved that for peace of mind.. Only stopped as the batts went and i kept forgetting to buy some to change...
Might go buy some haha!
My little girls just turned two and we still use one. Mostly because she uses the lullabies and the projector on it to relax and fall asleep! I think it's personal preference really x
Ours broke last night, wire snapped from the plug.
Im not comfortable with not using one yet - mainly when we are downstairs when he is in bed - we would struggle to hear him if he cries. And also for nap time in his cot.
Last night went ok, I checked on him a few times before we went to bed. I have ordered a new cable from bt which is getting delivered tomorrow so only 1 more night.
I just have peace of mind when he is asleep and I can see that he is settled.
Also when he stays at my parents they wouldn't be able to hear him downstairs if he woke

My lo is 3 in August and I have only just stopped using the monitor this week.

He is in a bed now so if he needs anything he just gets out and thunders across his bedroom so we can normally hear him.

Thanks everyone. I will keep using it I think. It would only be put in the cupboard if not x

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