Couple of questions.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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Me and OH are constantly up and down 6/7 times a night to put LO on his back after hes rolled onto his tummy! Sometimes he just wants to stay in that position and nothing stops him and other times he moans and cries becuase hes not comfortable. (he still hasnt learnt to roll from tummy to back yet)

Do you let your LO sleep on his/her tummy if they roll onto it? Or do you do what we do and constantly get up several times in the night to put your LO's onto their backs?

Also, when did you stop using a baby monitor?


T xx
Callum sleeps on his tummy

Its just the way he likes to sleep

We have a video monitor and a sensor alarm
And i dont think we'll stop for a while
Once they can roll over it's fine to let them sleep however they want. If he's happier on his tummy I'd leave him there.
Summer has been doing that for about a month now and I hate it!
When she rolls on her tummy I go up and put her on her back but she's like a spring and goes straight back on her tummy.
James has slept on his tummy for months

I would say your bubs is old enough now for it to be fine for him to sleep on his tummy. Especially if he can roll
:hug: :hug:
Since about six months, Jacob has been sleeping on his tummy too and no amount of rolling him onto his back will keep him on his back. So we just let him sleep how he wants.

We use the baby monitor when he's sleeping in his nursery.
Luke likes to sleep on his side and sometimes rolls onto his belly. I would just leave him since he is comfy. His natural instinct would be to move if he couldn't breathe.
LO likes sleeping either on her side or back. I've never minded either way.

We have never had a monitor :oops:
My oldest only used to sleep on her tummy from a few weeks old as she wouldn't sleep for more than a few minutes on her back. My younger 2 have slept on their tummies from the moment they could roll. I've never moved them back onto their backs while sleeping. Generally once they are strong enough to change their own position and lift their heads, I would leave them and get some sleep. You must be exhausted!

I've not really used baby monitors as we sleep with the doors open and I can hear clearly into the girls' room. But if I needed to I would still use one as it doesn't do any harm and I would hate not to hear them, even my 6 year old, if they needed me. We do have some for use on holiday and at parents' houses but I only have it on the noise activated option - couldn't be doing with the buzzing all night!

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