when do you stop panicking when you go to the loo


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Im still dreading going to the loo - every time i go i panic about wiping and there being blood. Ive even had nightmares about it. Even though ive seen everything is still ok, i can't shake this feeling. I feel so stupid - ive seen everything is ok, and i don't see why i should feel like this anymore, but ive no idea why it keeps coming back into my head.

the fact im still getting twinges (which i know can be normal) keeps bringing it back to the front of my mind. Ive been really crampy today.

I just feel so stupid! when does this feeling end and i can start to enjoy being pg.
by the time you stop worrying when you go to the loo you are worrying again incase your mucus plug comes away and you are in labour
It takes ages, I can totally relate to your post! :hug: I reckon it was somewhere between my first and second scan I stopped examining the loo roll.
I tissue check all day. In fact i've even been known to wipe myself with a tissue just to check, even when i'm in between wee's!!

You're doing so well though. You're practically in 2nd tri, so your risks are getting so low now, please try to relax (but i know i should take my own advice too!)
ah yeah i remember this- i started to relax at about 15 weeks..i was just feeling happy to be pregnant had an ever growing bump and had left the morning sickness and feeling shite behind when bam- went to the loo and found i was bleeding at 19 weeks..bled for a week and was in the hozzie- when it finally stopped i then could not relax for probably the whole rest of pregnancy and the as budge said from about 38 weeks once i had chilled a bit again.. i was then worried about my show everytime i went to the loo! I dont think anyone totally relaxes for the whole 9 months theres always some twinge or something to worry you...looking back thats the only reason i didnt enjoy being preggers..it was flaming scary!!
only when i was getting kicked and prodded by feet and arms did i smile and enjoy the wonder of a little human growing inside me.
Hun I did this right up until I felt kicks, and I've not had a loss :hug: There were days when I was sure I'd started bleeding but it was just normal increased CM.
I'm still panicking. Luckily I bought a doppler last time so I can check the hb at home, because I am still in a panic something is wrong - especially as I'm not feeling alot of mobement yet. I am hoping that after my 20 week scan next week I will start to calm down.
I'm so glad i joined this group as it's so good to hear from other women who are in the same boat, and to realise that i'm not the only phantom loo roll checker!!!!!!

i do it all the time and i'm only 5 weeks. i lost a baby 10 weeks ago at 11 weeks so i'm bound to feel scared, but i'm staying positive as worrying will not change anything!

could someone explain please how to get the baby chart at the bottom of your posts. i only joined today and can't seem to work it out!!!! durrr :D
:hug: hun im over 21 weeks and still check the tissue every time i wipe :( xxxxxxxxx
Yip i'm the same as Rach. I'm just over 27 weeks and i still check the loo paper every time i wipe too :(
I have never had a loss, but also check everytime I wipe, and cant see me stopping this habit anytime soon!

I think its absolutely normal behaviour!
thanks for the replies ladies. Im glad its not just me - i just feel so stupid, but i can't shake it.

vixter36 said:
could someone explain please how to get the baby chart at the bottom of your posts. i only joined today and can't seem to work it out!!!! durrr :D

have a peek in the technical section. There is a thread on tickers in signatures. :D
I know excactly how your feeling hun...

It gets easier as time goes on and once your feeling bubba moving the worry kinda dissapears naturally.

For me it was at about 24 weeks.....a few weeks after the 2nd scan had shown everything was fine and I'd been feeling regular movement :hug:
Hey!, Yea i still do that, its just worrying and abit of a nightmare because its like your expecting the worse when all you wanna do is just, enjoy your pregnancy!

thanks for posting this lol i'll be glad when i get past 3 months!!
I did this also in my last pregnancy right up until my son was born, I just couldn't help myself. I had a miscarriage at the end of may and then I got pregnant in july. I think that was the reason as they were so close together. I hadn't really come to terms with everything when I fell pregnant. :hug:
im the same hun, i sometimes just go to the loo just to make sure im not bleeding because i feel a bit wet down there
sarah113 said:
im the same hun, i sometimes just go to the loo just to make sure im not bleeding because i feel a bit wet down there

Yep, same here. I had a bit bleeding at 21 weeks and a bit of spotting yesterday.. I wish I could just relax and enjoy the pregnancy fully..

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