When do you know if your LO is ready to be potty trained.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
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My LO is 16 months now and for the last month she keeps taking her nappy off, when shes wee'd and today i put her to bed for a nap when i went to get her later she had taken a wet nappy off and put her trousers back on lol. Also when she wee's she squats down lol. Is she too young to be potty trained as i thought you start when your LO is old enough to understand that you go to the potty when you need the toilet lol. Should i just leave her a little longer, although she now goes through so many nappies, as everylittle wee the nappy is off.

Any help or advice i would be grateful.
i dont know hun, but looking forward to your responces as im in a very very simuler situation and was thinking about it too.
usual signs can include - knowing they're going to wee, taking they're clothes/nappy off, knowing they've had a wee, showing an interest in potty/toilet, there's some more but i cant remember at the mo.

hope thats a start for u xx
usual signs can include - knowing they're going to wee, taking they're clothes/nappy off, knowing they've had a wee, showing an interest in potty/toilet, there's some more but i cant remember at the mo.

hope thats a start for u xx
Its worth a try if she is taking her own nappy off and not sitting in wet ones, but I think she may be a little young yet to fully grasp the concept. Its one thing knowing when she has weed and taking off a wet nappy, to letting you know BEFORE she wees so you can get her to the potty. That is the main difference. You wont know till you try, she might pick it up really quickly if she is uncomfortable, but even when they are totally ready sometimes it can still take a while to master it properly. Id say my son was ready by the time he was 2 1/2 but we tried him a few times - no pressure - and he just wasnt getting it. So we left it till he was about 3, by which time he had been practising for a while but we never pushed it, and then we managed to get him trained in about a week. Being that bit older, he could understand instructions so much better and the praise/reward thing worked really well with him.
Thanks both :)

Ive tried her on the potty the other day but she burst out crying lol, altho a few times since she has trired to sit on it. I think ill leave her abit longer and then try again if she keeps taking her nappy off. Thanks for the advice, im very grateful.
If I were you I would start introducing the potty gently and gradually. I would leave the potty in an easy to access place but don't put her on it yet. Get a book about big girls using the potty and start reading it occasionally to her. LEt her see you going to the toilet and have conversations about wees and poos and nappies.

I think if you do this she will gradually come round to the idea by herself.

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