potty training.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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My lil girl is 2yrs and 3 months . when should toddlerss start being fully potty trained?? she still wears nappies all through the day but there may be once or twice a day when she will ask to use the toilet but when she needs a poo she will ask for her nappy as she is petrified of going for a poo.
just worrying i am leaving it too late. any suggestions or simular stories
Can't help too much about timings etc, but my stepMIL tells me that her friends daughter wouldn't go poo in the toilet either, and always asked for a nappy on if she needed to go.....until they went to their house and saw my SIL's bathroom (she's only 12). She had a fish toilet seat, you know the decorative ones, and the little girl went upstairs when she needed to and went for a poo!!
They then went and bought the same toilet seat and voilá, problem solved.
hi hun my daughter was 2 in august and she had been dry day and night for about 3 weeks now, she will go on the potty but would rather go on the toilet with a step and a seat plz pm me if i can help mary
I wouldn't worry you know. They all do it when they are ready. Jonah was 3...we had tried him before but he just wasn't interested. Then one day we took his nappy off and that was it :dance:
I remember Jess was about 2 and a half when she was fully potty trained in the day. I left it as late as possible to try her and she just did it straight away cos she was ready. I only did it at that age cos she couldn't start nursery till she was out of nappies. Aimees 2 in a couple of weeks and isn't showing any signs at all of being ready, apart from getting a bit embarrassed when she's having a poo.
Lydia is great at asking to use the potty....trouble is that 99% of the time when she asks she's alreay peed in her nappy :roll:

We're working on her slowly.

I rang a playgroup yesterday to see about putting Lydia's name down on the waiting list, and they said they take kids from 30 months but they want them to be potty trained, so I'm hoping Lydia clicks on properly soon.

The other day we tried for the afternoon just having her wearing knickers, but twice she peed all over the floor.

My mother is a right cow about it - keeps calling me a bad mother because she thinks Lydia ought to be out of nappies. grrr
Xena if it's any consolation my mum is the same. She moans that I've made Ella grow up too fast by taking away her bottle and moving her to a bed when I did but then goes on and on about how disgusting it is that she's still pooing in her nappy. She says stuff to Ella like 'Shall nanny buy you some big girl pants' and stuff like that and has now stopped saying things directly to me, but uses things she says to Ella in front of me to get to me.

Hudds Girl - my daughter has no interest in going on the potty and instead will wee on the floor when she's not weaning a nappy, despite my best efforts to remind her to use the potty. I think that you'll know when she's ready, so try not to worry yet she's still young :hug:
thanks ladies for all you helpful advice and encouraging words. it helps to know that im not the only one going through this xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I wouldn't worry too much... Tia was around 2 and half before she even started getting the idea of using a potty or toilet.

She drove me crazy because she would just sit there and mess herself and not even seem to notice. She showed no interest in using the potty or toilet... nothing at all.. it wasn't until she was just three months off her 3rd birthday that she actually started being dry during the day (and not everyday by any stretch of the imagination) and she was 3 when she started being dry at night (with accidents of course)... She had pull ups to bed until she was nearly 5... so your LO doesn't sound like she is behind at all... :)

She's 8 now... and there are still occasional accidents, where she holds it to the last minute then dashes to the toilet but doesn't quite make it on to the seat fully on time... she gets terribly upset at that though...

I think potty training is one of the most difficult things to do.. and I dread doing it again :roll: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I would try not to worry they all do it in their own time, and 2 and half isn't really to old to be in nappys.

All mine have been different.

With Ethan I tried to potty train him at the "right" age according to other people, it was the summer so we just didn't put a nappy on him, I was (it seems) alway cleaning pee of the floor I can't remember how long it took but by the time he was sorted I don't think there was a patch of floor that he hadn't pee'd on (lucky we moved not long after :rotfl: )

Callum was 3, we tried him in the august before his 3rd birthday (which is october) but he really wasn't ready and after a couple of days was back in a nappy, and thats how it stayed until after new year when he said "mummy I want to wear big boy pants like Ethan" I told him if he wore them he had to go to the toilet. We only ever had 2 accidents after that.

Lily's only 18months we brought he a potty a few months ago, as she'd started taking he nappy off (when wearing skirts) when she'd wee'd in it or started holding her nappy, we aren't potty training but we have it there for her to get the idea when she's ready, she sometimes goes and sits on it when she likes also when we change he nappy i ask if she'll sit on her potty.

All children are different, I'm sure when she's completely comfortable with the change she'll do it with no trouble at all.


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