when did your LO drop their morning nap?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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O used to have between one and 2 hours in the morning (about 2 hours after waking) and after lunch (about 12.30) it seems he is now having a long am one but short pm one and taking ages to go to sleep for the after lunch one, don't think he is tired enough.

So I may try and drop his morning nap. How did you guys do this? bring his afternoon one forward to 11.30 and then maybe do a bit earlier bedtime?!(although he goes to bed quite early at 6.45pm. Would love to know what other people did or are doing with similar aged babies.

A friend only lets her LO sleep for 20 mins in the morning. maybe I need to do this rather than drop it completely...

Thanks x
E dropped her morning nap a month or so ago - I cant remember exactly when, she just stopped getting grumpy in the morning so didn't see the need to put her down.

She just has the one in the afternoon around 2ish for an hour or two now :)
thanks :) I think I will try it. If he does drop it I will really miss that time in the morning to get showered, dressed and tidy up the house :)
Paige is still having 2 naps (well about 3 in this heat). Good luck with dropping it. Hopefully he'll start sleeping well around midday :)
Donovan is 50/50 whether he wants his morning nap but its when I get ready do all my chores so i take him for a walk to get him off if I need to and he naps for about an hour normally 10am til 11am then he has another afternoon nap which he's having less frequently but if he does its normally between 1pm and 2pm then bed at 7 x.
Jacob had 2-3 naps a day until he was about 18 month old but the boy could sleep the clock round if I allowed it lol

Lucas has only had one nap a day for as long as I can remember but he sleeps very little in general.

I would say just read the signs and only attemp nap times when LO is tired or grumpy xx
Thanks all, hr does Def seem to still need 2 so will keep following his signs :) x
Kieron has 2-3 but usually adds upto 90 mins in total xx
Tegan's Naps are All over the place atm, most of last week she had no morning nap & 2 hours in the afternoon then yesterday she had 2 hours in the morning & no afternoon nap! x
Charley's down to 1 nap a day now, very lucky if he has 2. He only has half hour in the morning, I wish he'd drop that nap and sleep in the afternoon cos by 5pm he's shattered!
Devon only sleeps about 30-45 mins twice a day , at 9/930 ish and at 2/230ish , then bed at 7ish

He really fights it, but is becoming better in a pattern, I would say if you need the nap, try to shorten it first rather than drop it as it may catch up with him over the day or week and he could get grumpier! It's nice to have a predictable slot fo you isn't it, Devon never did till recently, so I try to plan cleaning etc around it and not be out at the time or miss the window of time!! Trouble with Devon is he sleeps so lightly, I opened a bottle of OH's coke the other day as I was hot while cooking while he slept and he woke up!!!!
Noa have 3-4 nape a day depends on what we do if we r out he don't sleep. Noas first nap is between 2-3 hours, if 4 nape he will sleep about 6 hours during the day x (he sleeps 11 hours at night atleast sometimes 13 x
Herbie only has one nap now and only on a morning normally about 10am but for a good few hours, then
Your forcing him to stay awake at tea time but then he's in bed for 6:30 -7 pm
thanks everyone. he had an hour in the am then 2 hours in the pm -with childminder today, I joked saying should I pay her less lol!! He was v tired come half 6 and bedtime so not ready to drop a nap yet I think. xx
marley only naps once a day now, usually half an hr after lunch. i think this has helped me get him in bed by 7 as he has shattered. i would like him to have a nap in the afternoon as he is grumpy and exhaused but he has just kind of fell in to this routine by himself! i used to lookforward to his nap times as i could relax a bit!!!! xxx
Noah was about 14 months but he dropped his afternoon nap instead. Now his morning nap has shifted a bit later and he normally has 1-2 hours around lunchtime x
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