Sleeping through

Kayla still has 1 bottle during the night, but were weaning her off it a mo cos she was filling up n that bottle and then leaving a good bit of her morning and lunch time bottle, i started off only letting her have 100 ml in the night (ormaly 240) just stuck dummy in even though she was happy to keep goin , she went back asleep straight away, last night went down to 50 ml so few days of that then il try just dummy

she does need a dummy poped bak other thaan feed sometimes too although she doesnt cry so would prob go back asleep her self if i didnt jump up straight away
I dont know much about it as my lo slept through early but I read somewhere offering water on a night instead of milk will encourage them to drop the feed
For the record tho I dont know if it works or even if its a good idea I just heard about it.

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well my LO had a few occasions of going through at the beginning which was a shock to the system tbh, as my first never actually done a full night til he was 3 as he always woke for a dummy! 2nd baby didnt sleep through til 18months and that was when we got rid of the dummy!!

we are up 2 or 3 times a nite with this baby although its early days still i really dont beleive he will sleep through until he is a lot older although he doesnt have a dummy so fx he does it sooner than my other two :) x
Ethan has managed it 5 times in the last 9 nights. He hasnt needed feeding in the night for a week now. When he wakes its either coz he has tried to crawl and got stuck in a corner (only goes backwards and rolls), or he just seems to want a cuddle- I will go in and he will be awake, lying on his back upset, not screaming his head off but I have tried leaving him and he wont go back off, he just gets worse. He has done this a couple of times about 4-5am, and a cuddle is all that was needed!.....Hope he does start to keep going thru, its sooo hard when they keep on needing u in the night- Ethan wont even seem to settle if OH goes in now, so I guess Im on night duty until he grows out of it (and there was me thinking once he stopped feeding at night then I would get a break!?)......Also agree that putting to bed later doesnt help- not for us anyway! He will go down ok but wont sleep any later in the morning! xx
She drains her bottle in the night and then drains them in the morning as well and then will happily have her breakfast but she doesn't drink a lot of milk during the day so I think I'm just going to stick to having broken sleep just to make sure she's getting enough milk.
She drains her bottle in the night and then drains them in the morning as well and then will happily have her breakfast but she doesn't drink a lot of milk during the day so I think I'm just going to stick to having broken sleep just to make sure she's getting enough milk.

She probably doesn't drink a lot in the day because she's getting a big chunk of what she needs at night hun, it's a bit of a vicious circle
She drains her bottle in the night and then drains them in the morning as well and then will happily have her breakfast but she doesn't drink a lot of milk during the day so I think I'm just going to stick to having broken sleep just to make sure she's getting enough milk.

She probably doesn't drink a lot in the day because she's getting a big chunk of what she needs at night hun, it's a bit of a vicious circle

Thats what i was gonna say, would u try stopping half way trough and giving her dummy and if she goes asleep then she might have more during the next day and so on

Kayla would drink the whole bottle at night if i let her but doesnt care when i take it away so i know she is not starving cos during the day she would go crazy if i even try and wind her lol it really is working guess its the same logic as water but less likley to anger my monster
Hey hunnie

Brody wakes around the same times. Only in the past week he's stopped needing a bottle (think because he's having 3 meals now) and will settle without most nights. But he still wakes! Lol. I wonder if he'll ever sleep the whole night :pray:


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Brody and Sophie really are too similar lol! Well she's only stirred once tonight but will have to see what happens when it gets to the middle of the night. She's on 3 meals a day as well now but she just seems constantly hungry, all I feel like i do is make food for her!
What does she eat hun? X

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At the minute shes having a 5oz bottle when she wakes in the early morning and then another at around 5/6. She then has her Porridge and fruit purée mixed for breakfast with a little toast to keep her occupied while I make her porridge. Before we go out shortly after she has a 4/5oz bottle and then for lunch she has a medium pot of homemade purée that generally has a carb in it such as potato as well as veg and I mix it with a little baby rice because she hates runny purees. If she doesn't have purée shes had scrambled eggs before now and also cheese on toast. She will generally then have a 4oz bottle and go to sleep for the afternoon. For tea she has a bigger pot of purée and a fromage frais for dessert. She will then have her 5oz bottle before bed. She just seems to be moaning at me constantly so I'll give her slices of veg to keep her occupied for a bit longer.

Sorry for the long detailed day feeding plan but I've never written it out fully before to look at what she's having.
Thanks lovely. She sounds like she's doing fab esp with finger foods too! Xxx

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I wish Samira would only wake up twice per night! She's a terrible sleeper and often wakes up to 8 times per night... :-(
Ha, I only just read all the other comments about bad sleepers being clever... My oh my, Samira must be a genius in the making in that case! :lol:
Ha, I only just read all the other comments about bad sleepers being clever... My oh my, Samira must be a genius in the making in that case! :lol:

I rung my OH up earlier to tell him that. He laughed!

Does it work for mummy too?


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