I voted on time. Phoebe was 3 days late based on the scan dates but 1 day early based on period dates. On her birth records it says 39 + 6.

My waters broke at 1am and my contractions started at 2.30am. Didn't get REALLY painful until about 6am though. Got to hospital at about 6.50am and was 9cm dilated so too late for any pain relief :shock: Gas and Air worked great for me though and after over 2 hours pushing (didn't feel like 2 hrs) Phoebe was born :cheer:
Only pain I felt once on Gas and Air was a little sting as her head came out. Had to got to theatre to be stitched up after though as had a 3rd degree tear. All fine now though :lol:
Aaron was 2 weeks late I was due on the 6th september and had him on the 20th.

Waters starting leaking the day I was due to be induced. Started mild contractions when they hooked me up so wouldn't give me the pessary. Contractions kept coming but doing nothing. Hooked up to the drip to try to get me going, that didn't work so had a c section in the end after failed progression. Boy was that a manic two days! Well worth it though :D
Kayleigh was due on 1st April 1993, and was born at 5.15am on the 19th April! :shock:

She was small for her gestation and the placenta had holes in it, so I was sent for weekly scans, and twice weekly dopplers from 32 weeks onwards. At every one they talked about booking me in for induction at the next visit, but it never happened!

I was finally booked in for an induction at 7am on Monday 19th April, but woke up at 3.45am on the Sunday morning with very painful contractions coming every 3 minutes. They were just like the BH's I get now, but very very painful from the outset. Hayley - it was my bump going incredibly hard all over, but with pain in all the hard places at the same time. I had been asleep since about 9pm, so they think I had slept through the build-up. I went to hospital, wasn't at all dilated, but they said I should stay as I was so overdue. They put me on the normal ward and gave me paracetamol and left me there!! :shock: At about 4pm, I couldn't take the pain anymore (still only 2 cm and pains every 3 mins), so they moved me upstairs and gave me pethadine. It just made me throw up. :puke: At 8pm I asked for an epidural, the mw said 'okay we'll leave you another hour and then if you still want one then you can have one'. It was the only time during labour that I swore and shouted at anyone!!!!! I had waited as long as I could and needed it NOW! After having that, I slept for ages, then they let the epidural wear off just before 4am. I had 1 hour and 20 mins pushing before she arrived (with the help of an episiotomy)
Ella was my first so I was expecting her to be late. She was due on the 29th December, but I went into labour on the 25th and she was born on the 26th :)
Jacob arrived exactly a week early. The day before I had lots of braxton hicks, they were coming 5 mins apart. During the night I was up every hour going to the toilet (for wee wees!!) The morning Jacob arrived, I started to get period pains at 10am, which gradually got stronger and stronger, by 11.30am the pain was going into my back and down into my bum, so I had a hot bath. 1pm went to hospital and was told I was 8cm dialated. Jacob arrived at 4.41pm!!!

thanks ladies :wave:

seems every labour is completely different - so there's no way you can try and prepare for what is going to happen..

In an ideal world.. i'd like to start naturally (today pls) Lindsay your labour sounded quite nice! would be good to get to the hospital and be 8cm already...

I went into labour on my due date so i voted "on time"

i started having niggly contractions at 7 pm while watching emmerdale! (sad i know!!!) they were coming every 5-10 mins but not very painful so i didnt think i was in labour! by 8.30 i realised that the pains were not stopping but i was still in complete deniel that i was in labour!!! i didnt tell my OH until 11pm when the pains were getting worse i said i think im in labour! he said "whaaaaaaaaaaaat" i said ive been having pains since 7pm!!! he said "whaaaaaaaaaaat" :rotfl:
by 2am i was in a LOT of pain and headed off to hospital i could bearly walk with pain so the midwife examined me and i was waiting for her to tell me that i was 8/9cm dilated........nope........3cm!!!! DOH! :doh:
Had him at 12.17 noon that day!
HALF of all babies on this poll arrived late! :shock:

On the bright side, probably don't have to panic about that unpacked hozzy bag :D
On the bright side, probably don't have to panic about that unpacked hozzy bag

Mine was packed 3 hours before Ella arrived :oops: And the car seat fitted around Midnight (she arrived at 2.02am). All I can say is pack it now as I was such a biatch to DH when he was doing it whilst I was having contractions!
I was convinced I was going to have Charlie early as kept getting pains but I was a week overdue, waters broke in bed! x
I was really scared of labour but it really wasn't that bad (for me anyway!) I only had a bit of a show when I got to the hospital (so at 8cm) my waters didn't break until I was fully dialated, but when they went my god did they go, am so pleased they didn't go when I was out shopping!

My waters broke at 26 weeks with Adele and she was born at 29 weeks, th ereason they gave me after a full year of tests was my body and frame was to small to cope and my body rejected her :shock:

With Colby i was in alot of pain through my prgnancy and i moaned all the time and i was finally induced on my due date, bang on time :cheer:
well me first was breech so caesarean was 5 day early,
second was 10 days late lmao thought i was gonna b preg forever !
I wanted to vote twice and it wouldn't let me!!!!

Emily was naturally early by 3 weeks and Jack was 3 weeks early, induced beacuse of OC
Eva was 22 days early. Your baby will be here sooo soon :) im excited for you! I remember when you got your BFP and now it's nearly time for the bean to arrive :cheer:
zack was 2 piging weeks late!!! and when being induced they said he still wasnt ready to come out.

Not keeping this one in..... its coming out when I say lol

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