When did you tell your Mums?

I told my parents after my emergancy scan at 6 weeks when they were down this way for a few days as Dad moaned like crazy I wasn't drinking (he's almost an alchy) They went cold on me and ignored me rest of the night.

So we waited until 8 weeks before telling the in-laws. In-laws and that whole side of the family are thrilled and tweeted and FBed it and all sorts. Shame there 160 miles away :(
Just told my Mum.

She took a moment to understand what I was talking about but then went "I'm so happy" and just burst into tears.

Which set me off.

Bless her. I'm so happy to have made her so happy. :)

So then I felt guilty and told my Dad. Although I only saw him very briefly.

He just said "Well done you" over and over. Gave me a hug and then back to well dones. Haha. I think it'll take him a while to process.

He's the one who'll tell though so I made sure to stress that it's a secret.
My mum is my best friend and I really want to tell her and everyone however I want my parents/family to be able to get excited when I tell them....knowing my mum she will call everyone there and then so I am waiting until my 12 week scan and telling them as soon as I am out :) Mainly because I had a miscarriage last year (had only known for 3days) but told everyone and then obv when I lost it came the very difficult part of telling people I had lost the baby- making things worst. If I was to tell them and then something went wrong it would break their hearts.And if I were to tell anyone I owuld only want my family knowing but also want them to be able to express their excitement. At the moment the only people who know are myself, my OH and my sister (as needed to tell somebody lol) Oh and my manager as need time off etc. But then everyone is different so just depends on how you feel and whether you want to. Plus if youw ait until 12 wks you will have a lovely picture to show them which makes it all that more special.xx
I told my Mum and Dad straight away (my DD was there too), Mum was a little quiet at first, which worried me, but apparently she was worried for my health. She couldn't have been more supportive since, They take me to all my appointments (I've had a clinic every week for the last five or six weeks) and Mum came in to my first scan (my early, 6 weeks one) as I didn't want OH taking time off work when I wasn't sure they'd be able to see anything.

She is absolutely biting her tounge not to tell the world, and I have practically had to staple their wallets closed to stop them buying things, But they are happy and supportive. We told my FiL and SiL straight away too, over the phone as they are in North Wales, and they are the same, wanting to tell everyone!
I rang my mum at 6am the day we found out and she knew exactly who was calling and why!
I think I told every one about 6-7 weeks, I originally wanted to wait till 12 weeks but since letting work know I was scared incase she found out somehow :shock:

Im glad I didnt wait till the scan, she has been nicer to me since lol :p xxxx
Its still mine and OHs secret :-)
I had a bit of a bleed 2weeks back and have decided not to tell anyone until we have had a scan. We were going to tell them after the first midwife appointment (tomorrow) but I think I just want to see a HB and make sure everything is as good as it can be first. Me and my OH cant wait to tell ppl although we are expecting mixed reactions.
A few minutes after my bfp!! We were just going to leave it as parents and siblings, but cos of various situations we've been in in the last few weeks, most of our friends know now and my bosses!!
I told my Mum as my bfp was still in my hand n then ohs parents the following day xx

Babydust to all
I told my mum on her birthday. Which was about my 12 week point. It was easy to keep it from her because we live in different countries. If i was living closer to home and saw her frequently, she probably would have guessed as I had a lot of typical early pregnancy signs (some of my friends guessed)

I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and asked her if another grandchild would do. :lol:
It was then a mix of elation and tears, (for the both of us) :)
We told my parents the day after we got our positive result, and his parents the day after that. Both sets of parents knew we were going through fertility treatment and had been really supportive - particularly my mum - so it felt right to tell them straight away. We told the rest of the family at the weekend (some of them had already guessed and were waiting for the announcement!) as we had the dating scan and we're now slowly telling friends. Even though i'm 12 weeks it still feels too early to be telling people and i'm still worried about jinxing it

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