When did you tell your Mums?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2010
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As the title says really.

OH and I were shopping after work today. And my parents live like a 2 minutes drive from the Tesco we were in.

I was so close to driving over there and telling them. And DH would have let me too.

I just don't want to jinx it!!

Also I'm worried they'll tell people.

Urgh sometimes I think "or course I should tell them straight away" and then other times I feel like I should leave it for ages.

I can believe I've only known I'm pregnant for 5 days. Why can't time go quicker?!?!?!?
I told mine straight away I couldn't not as she's my best friend. She's great and doesn't tell anyone at all. Mil on the other hand....

We told both sets of parents with a couple of days of finding out, I was less than 14 days pregnant lol
I told my whole family when I was about 9 weeks, I would have told them earlier but due to previous losses we wanted to wait.

I have two children already and my mum strongly thinks that 2 children is enough. When I got pregnant two years ago she went mad!!! She told my two children to expect not much for Christmas and no more attention!!! I lost the baby at 12 weeks and she has never mentioned it since other than 'you are too old for anymore children anyway' (I was 36 at the time, now 38 and found out I was pregnant yesterday) so I do not plan to tell her for quite a while, I don't want the ear ache lol
Jodie. My mum is my best friend too. :)

I guess another reason I haven't told her is because she knows we've been TTC for a long while.

And I'll know she'll be sooooo excited (so will my Dad of course.) and I worry she'll start shopping and then something will happen and it'll break their hearts. :(
Floridagirl that's awful! U poor thing! Can't believe she was like that
I told my mum when I had a few problems a week or so back (was 5 weeks 2 days at the time) I was so scared of having another miscarriage and my OH was amazing, so supportive just needed to speak to my mum dunno why but when upset I always seem to think Mum will know what to do! No matter how old We get always still meed our mums lol
she wasn't supportive atall at first, we ended up not speaking for a week which really upset me. Thankfully she came round to it and is now more supportive.
I have only told my best friend other than my mum and my OH only told his sister, too scared to jinx it by telling people too soon....not looking forward to telling the OH's mum!! Haha
i found out at 6 weeks and told my mum straight away as i couldnt keep it from her xxx
I told my mum straight away, I was at my parents house and needed to tell someone. Although I would always tell my mum early on anyway, we're really close and she's good at keeping things quiet until I say she can talk about it.

floridagirl - I'm shocked by what your mother said to you and to your children, I wouldn't even bother telling her for some time, you don't need that kind of reaction xx
I told my mum the same week I found out, she knows all ice been through the past 2 years so I couldn't wait to tell my parents.

I told mine straight away but due to OH's mum living miles away we cant get down to tell her until wednesday xx
I told my mum when I was about 9weeks, 27th December... Was terrified. She took it amazing, and was over the moon. No idea why I was so worried. I'm 27, good job, own house and she loves my boyfriend.
Iv not always gotten on with my mum, and think this baby has really brought us closer.
Its a lovely feeling seeing your mum so excited xx
There was no question for me as if anything did go wrong I would need my mum so I say go for it let them enjoy and share your happiness and if anything did happen she would obviously be there for you x

I very rarely speak or see my mum, but my grandma is like my mum and I'm DREADING telling her, never once has she congratulated me and said brilliant news, just ohno your joking. And since having my 3rd if we are ever out together and someone says do you think you will have any more,before I've uttered a word she says NO!! She definitely won't be I can't cope. Which tends to get on my nerves as none looks after our children apart from me and oh and the kids other nana. It's not like I'm on her doorstep with them every day. Plus I'm a bloody good mum and we are a lovely family unit. Her worry is financial though. She's always worrying about us financially. I love her dearly but I will put off for as long as possible.
I had to tell my mum because My grandmother died and because of previous losses I was not willing to get on a plane just yet. I'm upset that I won't be there but I started bleeding last time a few hours after getting off a plane. Because we told her we told my inlaws too. We still have 7 weeks until I'll feel safe.
We told our parents and siblings pretty much straight away, we were about 5 weeks pregnant. Other family and friends we told after 12 weeks :)
I found out on the Friday I was two weeks pregnant, we went away for the weekend so we had a couple of days to get our heads around it. On the Monday I told my mum straight after work and then my dad and his OH that night when they called in :) Everyone has been overwhelmed & so supportive :)
We told everyone at 12 weeks because of previous losses xxx

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