When did you take your belly ring out?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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For all those pierced ladies out there, when do you need to take your belly bar out? I still have mine in as i'm not really very big yet, but i'm not sure when I should take it out.
Also, does anyone know if it will go back in ok after LO is born???
I feel a bit silly to be worried about this but I love my belly bar and will miss it when it's gone :oops:
Thanks xx
I've still got mine in :) Don't think I'll have to take it out for a while, if at all :D

If yours starts getting uncomfortable maybe try a maternity bar and if it's still uncomfy then you will have to take it out.

If you do have to take it out you could put your bar back in every now and again to make sure the piercing stays open for when baby is born :)
Oooooooooo never heard of a maternity bar before. That would be great. I will check this out, thanks :D
I'm wearing a maternity bar! I haven't worn one since before Xmas but bought one off the market in Great Yarmouth. It's really bendy and like plastic but REALLY long! And, because of bump, I'm catching it quite a lot...

i'm wearing a maternity bar too, they're great!

type it into ebay, you can get them for a few pounds :D
I've still got mine in, but its a maternity one, it's just bendy, and because i wear a bump band i've not caught it either, its very comfy, i told myself if it started toget irritated i'd take it out but it's all very good.
I dont intend to take it out at all, unless it starts catching
i still have a think its 12mm bar in. Not needed to change it yet
Havent touched mine yet but have been told to take it off for the 20 week scan. Will put the maternity one in once bump grows...again, same as others - Ebay sells them quite cheap
Didn't even think about changing mine. Just had a look and think I will need to quite soon.
Right ladies it may not happen to you, but i strongly advise to take it out before your bumps really do stretch, i didn't take mine out with harrison and i have regretted it everyday of my life, i have a big scar where it strectched and the hole stretched to and a bar looks silly now if i attempt to put one in.
It will go straight back in after so i dont see why risk it stretching and looking a mess afterwards, no point for a few weeks.
ive got a maternity bar in as well, but with DS i had to take it out at around 30 weeks coz my belly was just getting too tight lol. and made it uncomfortable. but i did manage to get it in fine after id had him :)
I have my normal one in currently but I bought a pregnancy one which is really long off ebay and will probably change over this weekend.

Miss Sara, did you have a pregnancy belly bar in or was it a normal one? Also what point in your pregnancy did it really start to stretch?
it was just a normal belly bar, and i didnt realise when it stretched until it was too late, so im guessing as i got real late on.
MissSara said:
Right ladies it may not happen to you, but i strongly advise to take it out before your bumps really do stretch, i didn't take mine out with harrison and i have regretted it everyday of my life, i have a big scar where it strectched and the hole stretched to and a bar looks silly now if i attempt to put one in.
It will go straight back in after so i dont see why risk it stretching and looking a mess afterwards, no point for a few weeks.

I had been told this by other women and also a friend had all her stretch marks starting at piercing might have been a one off but put me off and I took mine out as soon as I found out I was pregnant in the hope it would heal up before I got bigger it hasn't healed but has shrunk. Im not sure I'm going to want my belly on show for quite awhile after the birth so am happy to be with out a bar for now if it does grow over.
Thanks Miss Sara I might well take mine out for when i start getting really big! Although I think it would take a while to close up as I've had it in for 12 years now!
With my first pregnancy I kept my normal belly bar in until about 30 weeks when it started getting really sore. I then swapped it for a maternity belly bar and it was fine for the rest of the pregnancy.

After I'd given birth and my stomach had deflated I put my normal one back in and it was fine. The skin did look a bit stretched around it but I think that was because I left it too late before putting the maternity bar in.

This time around I put the maternity belly bar in, in first tri and it hasn't got sore at all and looks fine. Will keep it in till after I give birth, then put my regular one back in.

One of the balls snapped off my maternity belly bar the other day but I think thats because it's over 5 years old! Debating whether to buy another one or just see if it stays in with one ball, I haven't long to go now! :lol:
MissSara said:
Right ladies it may not happen to you, but i strongly advise to take it out before your bumps really do stretch, i didn't take mine out with harrison and i have regretted it everyday of my life, i have a big scar where it strectched and the hole stretched to and a bar looks silly now if i attempt to put one in.
It will go straight back in after so i dont see why risk it stretching and looking a mess afterwards, no point for a few weeks.

I second that. I never took mine out when I had Sean and regretted it big time. The skin over the hole just stretched until it was so thin I thought it was going to snap! After the birth my belly shrunk back but the skin over the piercing didn't and I ended up with a saggy bit of skin there. I still wore my bar after but only really cos it helped to hide the awful bit of skin I had there. I took it out quite early this time round my its got really red and angry again :cry:
I kept my in all the way through with my son. Took it out ages before got pg this time.

I bought a bendy, plastic retainer bar from my piercest when I was having Tyler and didn't have any probs, as it was long enough to accomodate any stretching.

Just like with Tyler, I have kept my two rings in that are further south, but not as far as cornwall lol...My midwife last time told me I should maybe take them out...But as another said, you give birth a slight bit further back lol
Right, I'm off to Ebay!! :D Can't believe I never knew you could get maternity bars :doh: Thanks ladies :hug:

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