When did you stop sterelising bottles

Charlotte & Emily

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
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ive been told that you can stop when they are 6months old and crawling but you can carry on until they are 1

just wondered when people stopped sterelising or when people intend to stop

thanks :D
I'm still sterlising bottles but nothin else as i have heard th bacteria from milk is harder to get rid of..

But sayin that i'm stoppin sterlisering in a month :cheer: :cheer:
i stoped a few weeks ago, i fill my bottles with boiling water in the morning then add the powder wheen i need it so im guessing the bacteria wont have time to spread if that makes sense?
6 months. I did not see the point. He was putting that much in his mouth.

Ma hoose is clean by the way. :|
lauramumof2 said:
6 months. I did not see the point. He was putting that much in his mouth.

Ma hoose is clean by the way. :|

I stopped at 6 months too for the same reasons as above
lauramumof2 said:
6 months. I did not see the point. He was putting that much in his mouth.

Ma hoose is clean by the way. :|

I stopped at 6 months too for the same reasons as above and it help their immune system build up a wall
I stopped with Aimee at 11 months but I'm thinking of stopping with Nathan soon. Especially cos Aimee is always picking things up of the floor and giving them to Nathan anyway, I don't really see the point. I've never sterilized any of Nathans weaning equipment anyway so I'm sure it would be ok to stop doing his bottles. To think of all that care I took over sterilizing Aimees bottles and I caught her licking a lamp post the other day,

I didn't even know you could :think:
Dan puts everything in his mouth!!
So I just wash his bottles and then fill them with milk???
:oops: :oops:

about fourteen weeks. :oops: :oops:

The dishwasher does the job.

When I look at some of the things he comes into contact with I just think it's an impossible struggle. We are as hygenic as we can be with two toddlers running around...... :)

He's thriving and (touchwood) hasn't even had a sniffle yet.........
kellie80 said:
To think of all that care I took over sterilizing Aimees bottles and I caught her licking a lamp post the other day, :puke:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sorry that made me laugh :D
hmm, never thought about it, but i think ill 'try' and leave it till 6 months, hannah is already putting everything in her mouth, so i see what you all mean by it being pointless.
i stopped at around 7 months old, but i still do them once a week just to give thenm a boost!

i always think when they are on the move they will pick up everything and anything and put it in their mouth, grass dirt, you name it they will put it in their mouths not to mention crawling along licking the carpet! so lovely arent they haha!
dont think theres much point sterilizing when they are crawling around and putting everything in their mouths although im so paranoid i will probably carry on sterilizing his milk bottles for a while yet xxxxxx
its more a habit i think! i will keep sterilising for the time being but probably won't go the full 12 months. i never sterilise any of his weaning equipment.
I sterilise everything, all her weaning bowls, spoons, and bottles including juice bottles...I thought you had to?? Cant you tell I am a first time mum :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ruby has EVERYTHING in her mouth, remote controls are her fav, she also licks the laminate floor, and the past few days now she is crawling like a mad thing I have caught her sucking my flip flop, and this morning chewing the dogs chewy bone that the doggy had kindly dug up from the flower bed and dropped next to her on the rug :puke: :puke: I was so horrified, I had to stop myself washing her mouth out!! I ws horrified :shock:

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